In the past, sales pitches were intrusive and created to reach a wide population.  Now, with the dominance of the internet, effective sales pitches cater to individual customers’ needs.  They are not canned or contrived because the modern consumer can see right through it and has a wide variety of alternatives right at his or her fingertips.  Here are a few ways to frame your sales pitches in such a way that it allows you to promote your products/services without sounding like a pushy sales pitch, and even encourage others to market your products/services for you.

  •  Scavenger Hunt – This can be used to draw in new customers.  Use promotional items (electronic or paper) to start a scavenger hunt for a special first-time customer gift.  As an added convenience, you can create one totally online by taking your prospective clients on a guided tour of some relevant websites.  Start by creating a theme that works with your business, like food, jewelry, or health & beauty products.  Make sure the questions are easy to answer and that each item only takes a short time to find.  At the end of the hunt, your would-be customer is rewarded with a special gift!  You’ve now drawn them in to try your product, made it fun for them to share it with their friends, and you’ve promoted your business without the traditional sales pitch.
  • Giveaways – Many businesses offer free products or services for first-time customers, but usually some sort of purchase is necessary.  Consider a giveaway that stands out from the rest: one that literally gives something away totally for free. Offer it for free for first-timers, and wow them with your quality and customer service.  By doing so, you create a risk-free situation and promote your products/services through the giveaway without sounding like a sales pitch.  You have now started a relationship and given them a reason to share it with their friends.
  • Referrals & Rewards – Not only do you want to draw in new customers, but you want to reward your loyal ones as well.  Create and use a reward system for referrals that promotes your products/services.  Whenever a new customer makes a purchase, all they have to do is mention the name of the person who referred them.  That referrer then gets a special discount or promotional item.  Word of mouth is an effective method for bringing in new customers, so motivate your current ones by showing them how much you appreciate their patronage and recommendations.

When creating a non-sales pitch sales pitch, remember to frame it in such a way that the promotion includes marketing your products/services. If done correctly, people should feel like you are talking about the promotion and not delivering a sales pitch. Make them simple and direct, but most importantly, be genuine in your interactions with prospective clients.  They will appreciate your sincerity and your creative approach.

Please share your own ideas for a creative sales pitch in the comments below!

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