Our work for a fair, educated and ethical direct selling marketplace is the combined effort of many symbiotic organizations and individuals. DSEF partners with direct selling organizations, consumer advocate and protection groups, institutes of higher learning, entrepreneurial focused organizations, non-profit foundations and government entities to develop strategic alliances that forward our mission.

Our strategic partners are listed below.

Academy of Marketing Sciences (AMS) is dedicated to marketing excellence, both in material creation, distribution and practices.


American Marketing Association (AMA) serves marketing practitioners, as well as educators and students engaged in marketing. AMA is comprised of 40,000 members in 82 countries, including 400 chapters in North America.

Association of Women’s Business Centers (AWBC) is a national not for profit (501c3) organization that supports entrepreneurial development among women as a way to achieve economic self-sufficiency, create wealth and participate in economic development through education, training, mentoring, business development and financing opportunities.

Council on Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) is the network hub for BBBs in the United States and Canada. CBBB fosters honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers—instilling consumer confidence and advancing a trustworthy marketplace for all.

Marketing Educators’ Association (MEA) serves the development needs of marketing educators worldwide by promoting and sharing information that enhances marketing education and advances marketing knowledge and practice.

National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) believes community colleges are in an ideal position to further entrepreneurship based on their accessibility and local ties to their communities. As a nonprofit membership organization, we help community colleges nationwide link their traditional role of workforce development with entrepreneurial development.

Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) brings together marketing educators from around the world at their annual conference and publishes the Journal of Business Research and the Marketing Education Review.

United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) is an eclectic group of government officials, directors of small business development centers, and academics in fields such as finance, marketing, management, and economics. United by their common interest they impact government policy concerning small business development and entrepreneurship.

University of Utah, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) examines how social, economic, political and physical environments, both external and internal, affect families, individuals, and consumers. The Department emphasizes applied social science research and teaching with a strong public policy orientation.