Today’s highlighted blog post from FTC:
Hang Up On Credit Card Interest Reduction Offers
You just got home from work and sit down to read the mail. There they are, like clockwork – your credit card bills. You look at the balances and then the finance charges and think, there’s got to be a way to cut the interest rates – especially since you carry a balance most months. You check your phone messages and, low and behold, there’s one from a company that claims it can negotiate better rates on your credit cards.
For 13 years, the DSEF has been proud to partner with the FTC and other organizations to offer a wide array of education events and resources that encourage consumers nationwide to take full advantage of their rights and make better-informed decisions.
You’ll find a wealth of resources at that will help you protect your privacy, manage your money, learn more about credit and debt, decipher advertising messages, and steer clear of fraud and scams.
Please take a moment to share the resources on this Web site with others in your communities and companies and, together, we’ll help build a nation of better-informed and educated consumers.
Charles. L. Orr
Executive Director
Direct Selling Education Foundation