Today’s highlighted blog post from FTC/NCPW:

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Getting Real Debt Help

Having trouble paying your credit card bills? Is your home in danger of foreclosure? In this tough economy, many people are struggling with their debts. Ads from companies offering to help may be tempting, but beware – this could be a trap that will leave you worse off than before. You can usually get the same results yourself, for free, by trying to work out something directly with your creditors.  In addition, there are places you can go for low-cost or no-cost help if you need it.

For 13 years, the DSEF has been proud to partner with the FTC and other organizations to offer a wide array of education events and resources that encourage consumers nationwide to take full advantage of their rights and make better-informed decisions.

You’ll find a wealth of resources at that will help you protect your privacy, manage your money, learn more about credit and debt, decipher advertising messages, and steer clear of fraud and scams.

Please take a moment to share the resources on this Web site with others in your communities and companies and, together, we’ll help build a nation of better-informed and educated consumers.

Charles. L. Orr
Executive Director

Direct Selling Education Foundation