Call to action!

There are times when you just don’t want to do something, or you feel it’s too overwhelming to even begin. Here’s a process that can call you to action!

  1. Write down your goal and post it somewhere you will see it. Include how it will make you feel when you achieve your goal.
  2. Create a simple and easy work mantra – for example “One more step to get ahead!” Saying your mantra as you work will help cancel any negative thoughts as you work through your task.
  3. Ask yourself, what would get you moving? It might be turning on some loud music, posting motivating quotes around your work area, turning on all the lights to make your work area brightly lit, using motivation tapes, setting a loud timer, and/or asking a friend to be your accountability partner.
  4. Break it down to smaller tasks, and if it’s an extremely large goal, break it down by time. For example:
    • 5 minutes to finish the first step
    • 10 minutes to finish the second step
    • 15 minutes to finish the third step
    Consider how you break down the time. Make sure it’s appropriate to complete the task.
  5. Give yourself small rewards in between completing several steps toward your ultimate goal.
  6. Change location. If you can’t work at home, then go to the library or to the park.
  7. Be positive, use positive words and never beat yourself up.
  8. Keep going. If you get off schedule, just dust yourself off and start where you left off.

Life is like a river. Your action is like a boat and paddle. Use it to get to where you want to go, or you may end up going nowhere.

How do you get yourself motivated? How do you get through difficult tasks? Would love to read your tips and advice in the comments.