Today’s highlighted post from Money Wi$e Women Get Smart Teleseminar Series:

Raising Money Smart Kids

Learn how parents can help their children develop a healthy attitude towards money. Janet Bodnar will share a wealth of suggestions, ideas and tips on raising money smart kids — from a young age to college bound teens.

Janet Bodnar

Janet Bodnar is editor of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. During her career at Kiplinger, Bodnar has written about a wide range of topics on investing, money management and the economy. She is also a nationally recognized expert in the field of children’s and family finances, and the author of several books. Her latest book is Money Smart Women: Everything You Need to Know to Achieve a Lifetime of Financial Security (Kaplan). Praising Money Smart Women, Time magazine noted that Bodnar “avoids the patronizing finger wagging and sticks to giving advice that women can really use.” She speaks frequently on the subject of women and money. Bodnar’s “Money-Smart Kids” column appears regularly at It was chosen by as one of the top financial columns online. And Bodnar is the kids and money coach on the AOL Coaches site.

DSEF proudly sponsors the free Money Wi$e Women Get Smart Teleseminar Series hosted by Marcia Brixey, Founder and President of Money Wise Women Educational Services and author ofThe Money Therapist: A Woman’s Guide to Creating a Healthy Financial Life. The series covers topics related to business and finances and provides women the opportunity to learn from professional experts in a safe, comfortable environment.

To find out about upcoming teleseminars, visit