All posts tagged working with kids

DSEF & Money Wise Women: Raising Money Smart Kids

DSEF & Money Wise Women: Raising Money Smart Kids

Today’s highlighted post from Money Wi$e Women Get Smart Teleseminar Series:

Raising Money Smart Kids

Learn how parents can help their children develop a healthy attitude towards money. Janet Bodnar will share a wealth of suggestions, ideas and tips on raising money smart kids — from a young age to college bound teens.

Janet Bodnar

Janet Bodnar is editor of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. During her career at Kiplinger, Bodnar has written about a wide range of topics on investing, money management and the economy. She is also a nationally recognized expert in the field of children’s and family finances, and the author of several books. Her latest book is Money Smart Women: Everything You Need to Know to Achieve a Lifetime of Financial Security (Kaplan). Praising Money Smart Women, Time magazine noted that Bodnar “avoids the patronizing finger wagging and sticks to giving advice that women can really use.” She speaks frequently on the subject of women and money. Bodnar’s “Money-Smart Kids” column appears regularly at It was chosen by as one of the top financial columns online. And Bodnar is the kids and money coach on the AOL Coaches site.

DSEF proudly sponsors the free Money Wi$e Women Get Smart Teleseminar Series hosted by Marcia Brixey, Founder and President of Money Wise Women Educational Services and author ofThe Money Therapist: A Woman’s Guide to Creating a Healthy Financial Life. The series covers topics related to business and finances and provides women the opportunity to learn from professional experts in a safe, comfortable environment.

To find out about upcoming teleseminars, visit

Tips for Maintaining Work Life Balance

Tips for Maintaining Work Life Balance

Small business owners typically work a lot. It seems there is never enough time or hands to get everything done, and as the owner of your empire, it’s up to you to make sure things get accomplished.

Yet part of the reason a lot of people go into business for themselves is so they can have more time to focus on the things that are important to them…things like family, travel, and other lifestyle choices that make life meaningful.

Can you have both? Can you enjoy a fulfilling business while also focusing on what’s important? Sure you can! But it takes both planning and mindset to successfully achieve your business goals while enjoying the life balance you strive for.

Here are some tips for making it happen.

  1. Write your goals down. Make sure that all the tasks you’re working on are helping you reach those goals. If not, re-evaluate the task. Is it worth the time, or would you be better served doing something else?
  2. Make sure your goals are realistic. You probably won’t earn a million dollars in a month. Take a look at what others with similar businesses have earned, and set similar goals. It will help you stay on track, without getting discouraged.
  3. Your planner is your best friend. Put in the things you want to do for your family, as well as your work priorities. This way you won’t waste time trying to figure out what to do next. Everything is scheduled, and you’ll get things done while also giving yourself time to focus on all the priorities in your life.
  4. Have work hours. Your family life will run a lot more smoothly if there is a routine built in. So have regular office hours when everyone understands you’ll be working, as well as times when you’re “off the clock” and are free to give your full attention to other things.
  5. Realize that there will be times you’ll need to change your plans. Yes, your schedule is the ideal, but of course emergencies happen. So do your best to stick to your schedule, but also have enough flexibility to change direction when necessary. (And build some cushion into your schedule so that you can redirect when necessary.)
  6. Forgive yourself. If you miss a concert or a ball game, there will be others. You’ll waste a lot of time and energy beating yourself up over something you can’t control. Better just to get what you need to done, and then give 100% of yourself the next time you can be there. Your child won’t be scarred forever if you miss something, and neither will you.
  7. Involve your family. Make sure your kids understand that your work is important, and how the money you’re earning affects what they want to do. Also invite them to participate in your business where they can. They can file, help you load the car, and plan the schedule. By involving them, they get a better idea of all you have to do, and you’ll also teach important life lessons about working hard and achieving your goals.
  8. Plan time away. Sure, work is important. But so is family, and it’s important to give yourself some distance as well, so you can come back refreshed. So plan times when you DON’T work. Even if it’s just a staycation. Just make sure there are blocks of time when you focus on priorities besides work. It will do wonders for you.

By planning ahead, you will be much better able to balance work with the rest of your life, and enjoy every part of your life more.

What tips would you give for helping people achieve work and life balance? Would love to read your thoughts in the comments!

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Getting Your Kids Involved in Your Business

Getting Your Kids Involved in Your Business

Life is crowded, and if you’re a business owner, you’re busy! You may be a parent, a spouse and a business owner.  How do you juggle it all?  And how do you help your children understand that what you are doing is important?

One way is to include your kids in your business.  Show them that what you are doing is worthy of your time, and important to others.  When you include your kids in your work, you demonstrate that they are important to you, and you invite your kids into your day-to-day. This brings huge rewards!

How do you do it?  It’s not as hard as you think.

  • Talk to your child about what you do. Make this a natural part of your day.  Over dinner, ask your son or daughter to tell you about his or her day, and tell him or her about yours.  Use simple terms.  Talk about the good that you do.  Talk about the struggles you have.  Talk about your task at hand.  Children learn so much from you and your example.
  • Show your child what you do. Maybe you work from home and you have an office set up right in your house.  Show your child how you set it up and why.  Show her that there are special programs you use for different tasks you accomplish during your day.  If you work in an office, bring your child to work with you.  Show him the different offices and explain what each employee does and why.  Keep your explanations simple.  Depending on his or her age, the details may go over your child’s head, but he/she will get that all these different people and all of the different software and computers you use get your task completed.  This makes it personal for your child.  It makes your child feel connected with your business.
  • Let your child help you. Every child learns differently.  But most children, most people, learn by doing.  Find some small way that your child can contribute to your business.  Maybe your son can deliver supplies to your employees or come with you when you purchase items for your office.  If your child is older, maybe she can assist as you do some number crunching or word processing work for your company, or help you with some internet research.  These are all great life skills and they also connect your child to your business in a personal way.

Connection is essential to making your business important to your child.  You are busy and your son or daughter is busy.  You already know your child is priority number one.  Now it’s time to show your child that they can be part of another of your priorities.  Make the time to connect them to your business.  You will teach your child life skills that last a lifetime.

How do you help your child feel connected to you and your business? Would love to read your thoughts in the comments below!