As a business owner, your ability to manage the money you earn is just as, or even more important than actually making the money. Are you using your money wisely, or simply wasting it? Here are some tips for taking control of your finances and keeping more of what you earn:
- Write it Down: Even when it seems like a pain, or just one more thing to do, writing down the money that you earn in your business, and the money that you spend, is a valuable activity. When you see your income and expenses in black and white, it helps you make better decisions, and identify areas of waste. Use this simple spreadsheet: Business Income_Expenses Tracker, or your own method to track your income and expenses for your business. And the best part? By keeping track of your income and expenses daily or weekly, preparing your taxes is a lot easier!
- Know Your Averages: When you earn income based on commission, it can seem like a challenge to create and stick to a budget. But it doesn’t have to be! Find out what the averages are for your business: Average party sales, average you spend on a party, average sale per person, average autoship order, average downline commissions per downline member, etc. Then add up the number of income-producing activities you’re expecting to do each month, and use the average amount you can earn for each one. That gives you the total amount of money you have that month to work with. For example, if you can earn $120 per average party in your company and typically spend $20 per party on expenses (printing, gas, prizes, postage, etc.), and you have 4 parties scheduled that month, you can budget $400 for the month in party income. By knowing what you have on your calendar, you can create a monthly budget. And if something unexpected happens, you know exactly what you need to add to your calendar to reach your budgeted numbers.
- Make a Budget: It’s very easy to impulse buy. The latest gadget is awfully tempting, and you know that marketing tool is just the thing to bring in more business. But before jumping in, make sure you’ve got the income to support the purchase. Plan your monthly income and expenses first using a budget sheet like this one: Direct Sales Business Budget Worksheet Then you’ll know how much your business can support in expenses, and if the return is worth the investment.
How well do you know how to manage your personal and business finances? Take this online quiz to find out how much you know!
Knowing how to manage your business finances is key to creating the income you want in your direct sales business. That’s why we’re excited to partner with the Women’s Money Conference in Nevada to provide FREE full scholarships for women in DSA member companies to attend the conference. If you’re a woman in Nevada, or know a direct seller who is, get all the details on this 2014 conference here:
What tips do you have for managing your business finances? We’d love to read your tips in the comments below!