Archive for August, 2012

How to Compete Effectively

How to Compete Effectively

Handling your competition as a small business owner can sometimes seem like an uphill battle. It is important to educate yourself in regards to who your competition is, what they are offering, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. You cannot control how your competitors run their businesses, but you can control how you run yours, and having a full understanding of your competitive landscape can help. The following is a list of strategies to use in your quest to compete effectively in your industry.

  • Help clients see you as a friend. If clients see you as a friend instead of just a business, they are more likely to be loyal to you. In order to do this, put their needs ahead of your own. If a customer is looking for something that you are unable to offer, be honest about it and even go so far as to recommend where they might find it. Clients will appreciate your honesty and that you didn’t waste their time trying to talk them into something they probably don’t need. Because you have demonstrated that you are sincere in your desire to satisfy their needs, they will likely come to trust your professional opinion and will return to your business again and again.
  • Use social media for word of mouth. The potential for exposure via social media makes it an extremely valuable tool of which you should be taking advantage. Creating a social media presence will cost little to no money, but it does require an investment of time. It isn’t necessary to tackle everything at once, however. Try your hand at social networking sites like Facebook or Pinterest, start a blog, comment on others’ blogs, create a YouTube channel, or reinvent your website. Decide which avenue will most effectively spread the word about your business and focus on that. Social media is this generation’s word of mouth, so be sure you are taking full advantage of its benefits.
  • Create partnerships. Creating partnerships with other business owners means less competition for you. For example, a local cupcake shop is having a hard time competing with the new frozen yogurt bar that has just opened up down the street. Health conscious shoppers are now shunning the high-calorie cupcakes for a refreshing treat that is easier on the waistline. The owner of the cupcake shop forges a partnership with the yogurt bar to bring in some fresh baked cupcakes in healthier varieties (gluten-free, low-fat, etc.) to create a yogurt sundae section. The cupcake shop gets a percentage of the sales, the yogurt shop is reaching a wider customer base, and they both get to cross-promote each other’s goods. Seek out other businesses who have similar interests and you can cut down on your competition.
  • Implement incentives for referrals. Referrals are often the lifeblood of small business. Consider offering your customers unique incentives to motivate them to give you more referrals. This can be anything from a tiered reward system to a one-time discount or VIP customer membership. Show your appreciation for their referrals in a way that will make them want to bring you more. Also, by creating incentives, you avoid the often uncomfortable method of flat-out asking your customers for referrals. You can introduce the program and incorporate the “asking part” into your presentation.

Staying ahead of the competition is a necessary part of small business ownership. How do you compete effectively? Please share your ideas below!

DSEF & CBBB: Is Your Business Plan Fractured? Focus and Execution are Key

DSEF & CBBB: Is Your Business Plan Fractured? Focus and Execution are Key

By Lance Trebesch
In a recent podcast, Daniel Ek, the CEO of Spotify, was asked if he feels that he is a visionary or a genius. He demurred, replying, “Absolutely not. For me it’s all about execution.”

I completely agree with this 27-year-old millionaire. Execution is everything. It doesn’t matter how many great ideas an individual, team, or company comes up with. Until you implement, you haven’t made any progress. Execution is what builds lasting success. Splitting your business’s energy among too many outcomes can hinder your ability to execute good ideas and achieve your goals.

Planning: Fragmentation versus Integration

Many organizations go through an elaborate planning process. But if your method is overly time-consuming, it takes away from more important work. More problematic, relying on the idea generation phase of planning frequently results in fragmented outcomes. When you try to achieve too many outcomes, your business starts to suffer.

It’s tough to execute your desire when your attention is split in a million directions.

Your Top Three Goals

One of the keys to execution is focus. You may want to achieve a hundred different things, but most of us find it impossible to focus on more than four all-important goals. In fact, four may be too many. I would suggest erring on the side of success: Choose your top three and pursue excellence uncompromisingly in these areas. A relentless focus makes a positive outcome all the more likely.

At, we’ve found success by choosing three goals on which to focus:

·     Customer satisfaction

·     Revenue

·     Products (improving our existing base or adding new ones)

It may not seem like a lot on paper, but accomplishing these three goals is our focus, and we devote one hundred percent of our efforts to their integration. It’s become our formula for success, and the hallmark of our company. Every year we add or improve hundreds of products. Every day we work to improve customer satisfaction. And every moment, we seek to increase our revenue. For us, a focus on executing these three goals is the key to prosperity.

What are your 3 goals?


Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

About the Better Business Bureaus
As the leader in advancing marketplace trust, Better Business Bureau is an unbiased non-profit organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Every year, more than 87 million consumers rely on BBB Business Reviews® and BBB Wise Giving Reports® to help them find trustworthy businesses and charities across North America. for more information.

How To Build a Long Term Business

How To Build a Long Term Business

When you start a business, you hope that it will grow, and ultimately succeed. If you don’t start out with the right mindset and the commitment to work your business for the long haul, however, you may be setting yourself up for failure.

Here are some suggestions to help you build your business for long term success.

  • Create personal relationships with your clients. Building relationships in business does not differ that much from those that exist in your personal life. Personal relationships grow out of having something in common, along with a sense of mutual trust, respect, and support. All of these elements are also required in your professional relationships. Ask your clients about their interests and find some common ground, such as a devotion to the same baseball team or a love for the performing arts. Once your clients can relate to you, a relationship can grow. With that connection, you become more than the owner of a business they frequent, and they become more than just another customer. The result: a loyal client who is likely to recommend you to others.
  • Ask for feedback and use it to improve. You should make it a habit to ask for feedback from your customers, employees, mentors, etc. This can be done in a variety of ways, especially when seeking out feedback from customers. Depending on the type of business, you can create an online or paper survey, speak to them face-to-face, or incorporate it into a courtesy call. After collecting their opinions, reflect upon your findings and use the information to improve. For example, when following up with a customer regarding a recent order, you ask her what she thought about how you handled the sale. The customer’s response is mostly positive, but she does state that she found the online ordering portion of your website difficult to navigate. It might be wise to ask other customers if they had the same issues. If so, take the time to update the site and make the ordering process faster and more convenient. Asking for feedback is not always easy, but it can be an effective way to build your business for the long term.
  • Build value that exceeds what customers pay for. You may or may not have much flexibility in terms of product pricing. What you can control, however, is the value of a product. Show customers how it will solve a problem, how versatile it can be, and what services they will get by patronizing your business. Customers are usually willing to pay a little more for something when the experience of it all exceeds anything they would get elsewhere. What do you have to offer that your competitors don’t? The answer to that question will help you build value into your products and services, as well as setting up your business to prosper for a long time.
  • Do what you are passionate about. You’ll never last in a business doing something you don’t care about. Owning a business takes creative vision, time, and a multitude of other skills to make it flourish. What will drive you to continue if you don’t enjoy what you do? Look deep into yourself when deciding what kind of business to build. Perhaps you’ve always had a flair for cooking and are passionate about eating cleanly and naturally. If that is something that you’ve made a part of your daily life, it would no doubt make for a potentially successful business idea. Our passions motivate us to succeed, so choose something that you love doing.

What else would you include in your recipe for a successful long term business? Please share your ideas below!

Making a Road Map to Your Goals

Making a Road Map to Your Goals

Goal setting is a crucial part of realizing your personal and professional dreams. However, it isn’t enough to create these goals mentally; you must write them down. The act of writing down your goals gets the process off to a head start and gives your brain its own set of instructions. The more specific your goal is and the more details you provide, the more successful you will be at achieving it.

Here are some suggestions for mapping out your path to achieving your goals.

  • Give yourself time each week to clarify your goals. It isn’t enough to just write down your goals and bury the list away. Frequent review and adjustment of your goals should be considered a requirement of achieving the goals themselves. Spend an average of 10-12 minutes a day revisiting your goal list and making necessary adjustments to it. For example, say your list of goals includes revamping your website, seeking out more referrals, and creating a new marketing plan. By revisiting this list each week, you can assess your progress. You may realize that you have spent most of your time on your marketing plan, but have completely neglected the other goals. This time each week can also be spent adding specifics to each goal, like due dates and relevant numbers.
  • Spend enough time on weekly goals. If you set goals that you want to be met by the end of the week, you should be spending at least 50% of your time doing what it takes to achieve them by Friday. So if you put in an 8-hour workday, then an average of four hours per day should be set aside for weekly goals. Keep this in mind when setting your goals for the week. Will you be able to invest that much time? What do you have going on this week that might prevent you from accomplishing your goals? Set your goals high, but be realistic about what is required of you to meet a weekly objective. Always set yourself up for success.
  • Build relationships with people who can help you achieve. Win/win relationships are those that benefit each person. For example, as the owner of a hair salon, you may form a relationship with the boutique owner down the street. During prom season, you could cross-promote services and exchange referrals. A relationship like this provides benefits for both parties and helps to achieve sales and marketing goals. Make win/win relationship building a priority when you create your road map.
  • Embrace the good and drop the bad. We all make New Year’s resolutions, but many of us fail to stick with them throughout the year because we don’t commit to making those resolutions a regular part of our lives. When setting your long-term goals, focus on forming 3 good habits and breaking 3 bad habits a year. You may decide that you want your customer service follow-up to become habitual, rather than sporadic and on an as-needed basis. You may have sabotaged your past efforts because you tend to procrastinate, so commit to dropping that bad habit as well. When making your goal list, consider what you will do to make a desired behavior habitual and an undesired one a thing of the past.

Developing a road map to your goals provides you with a clear path and increases your chance of success. How do you map out your goals? Please share your ideas in the comments below!

Achieve What You Want

Achieve What You Want

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” This quote by the founder of Mary Kay Inc. and one of the most successful female entrepreneurs of all time, Mary Kay Ash, speaks volumes about the importance of mindset in business.

Everyone has weaknesses, but if you believe in your ability to overcome them, you will be able to achieve what you want and realize the potential of your business. Here are some suggestions for helping you succeed.

  • Visualize accomplishment. The power of the mind is often underestimated. While you’re lying in bed at night waiting to fall asleep, picture yourself carrying out a task and achieving the desired result. If it’s an important sales call or networking, have both sides of the ideal conversation in your mind. Regardless of the job at hand, visualizing yourself doing it successfully prepares your mind for success and builds the confidence you need to achieve it.  Doing this repeatedly maximizes its effect, so continue doing it when you are in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, en route to work, or any other situation where you have a little downtime. 
  • Practice! Actors don’t perform a play on stage for an audience on the first day they receive their roles and their scripts. They rehearse for weeks or months and work out any kinks in the production that prevent it from running as smoothly as possible. The same principle should apply to your business. Go beyond visualizing and rehearse that important sales call or networking. The more prepared you are, the more polished you will be, and the more competent you will appear to the other party. No one wants to do business with a person who doesn’t seem sure of themselves. Put in the time to practice your “role” to give yourself the best chance of success.
  • Implement a plan to overcome interruptions and offer ready solutions. Now that you have visualized success and have rehearsed your part, develop a plan of action for when things don’t go as planned because they rarely do. How will you respond to a customer’s doubt in your product? What will you say if someone has heard something negative about your company? If you have a plan in place to field objections and rejection, you will be less likely to have to think on your feet and risk saying something detrimental or giving the wrong impression. It’s impossible to be prepared for every possible scenario, but use your own expertise and outside resources to anticipate common objections and negative responses.
  • Assess results and make adjustments. Once you have completed the task, reflect upon how it went. Did you achieve the results you were hoping for? If the answer is yes, then pinpoint what you did right and how that helped you achieve. If the answer is no, identify where it went wrong and develop a solution to the problem. Use your results, both positive and negative, to make adjustments where necessary and continually increase your chance of success in achieving what you want.

By putting yourself in the right mindset and using your own expertise as well as outside resources, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of success. What else do you think should be added to this list? Please add your ideas to the comments section below!

Why Are Customers Attracted to You?

Why Are Customers Attracted to You?

It’s no secret that consumers have many choices when it comes to where they purchase a product or service.  In most cases, the same product can be found at a local retail store, a big box chain, and at several online marketplaces.  With all this competition, it’s important for small business owners to recognize and appeal to customers’ attraction to your particular business.  Giving them a reason to choose you is not as difficult as you may think. Read on to find out why you possess an edge over your competitors.

  • They trust you.  You consistently provide an exceptional customer service experience.  You’re attentive, pleasant, knowledgeable of your products’ features and benefits, and you’re always willing to go the extra mile.  Not only that, but because customers are always dealing with you, a relationship can grow.  Wouldn’t you rather shop with someone who knows you by name, asks about your family, is familiar with your product needs, and can even anticipate them?  Most people are even willing to pay a bit more to have a shopping experience like this; if they know they aren’t being “sold to,” they will want to return as loyal customers because they trust that you have their best interests in mind.
  • They have a need for your product/service.  This is where it becomes imperative that you know how to demonstrate to your customers why they need your product.  Perhaps it offers little known but substantial health benefits, provides a solution to an everyday problem, or just makes life a little bit easier.  Knowing how to educate potential customers is a major asset to your business because you will be able to attract new people all the time.  Become an expert in what you’re selling and share your enthusiasm about the product with others.
  • It’s a great value.  Value isn’t always about the price.  Value is about the overall package.  As stated above, customers are usually willing to pay a little more for certain things, and a product’s value will determine how much more that is.  For example, your window treatments, although competitively priced, may not be the cheapest available.  What you can offer, however, is a guarantee that the work isn’t completed until the customer is satisfied with the result.  You also offer free lifetime consultations on any room in the house after the purchase of just one other window treatment.  A service like that can tip the scales in your favor when a customer is deciding who to shop with.  Find ways to increase the value of your products and services, and your customers will be more attracted to your business than some of your lower-priced competitors.
  • You help them through the buying process.  Making the choice to buy something can be stressful for many people.  All the choices of where to go and what to buy can be overwhelming to say the least.  Do everything possible to help your customers make their way through the process from start to finish.  Yes, there is a chance that they decide not to buy from you in the end; however, your personalized service will make a positive impression that likely bring that customer back to you in the future and even recommend you to others.  Remember to listen, be patient, and offer your expert advice through every step of the process.

Why do you think customers are attracted to you?  Please add your ideas to our list in the comments section below!