Have you ever felt like you were trying to accomplish so much that your constant multitasking turned into chaos? This is a common problem for people with a lot to do. The best way to combat this overwhelming feeling is to clear your mind so that you are able to focus on achieving your objectives. The following list will help you break through the chaos and bring order to your professional life.
- Stop whatever you’re doing, and take a deep breath until you regain composure. This very important action is the first step to relieving that feeling of chaos and is vital to your productivity. Deep breathing affects the nervous system, which in turn relieves feelings of stress and anxiety. (Source) Just five to ten seconds of deep breathing, especially while visualizing the source of the stress leaving your body, will allow you to concentrate on the task at hand. In addition to deep breathing, you could even incorporate a soothing phrase or mantra that will signal your mind to calm down and regroup. Your physical body must first be relaxed in order to be productive.
- Focus on the goal and don’t become overly detailed. Once you have taken some deep breaths, it’s time to remind yourself what the goal is. What is your overall objective? By keeping the goal in mind, you will be better able to sort through all the details without getting buried in or sidetracked by minute tasks. For example, say your goal is to touch base with a list of clients by making follow-up phone calls. While pulling up your contact list, you notice that you haven’t synced your list on your computer with the one on your smartphone in a while, so you take a detour to complete that task. While that is happening, you also notice that you have some contacts on that list you no longer need, so you begin to update and organize your digital rolodex. All of these other tasks, though they may need completing at some point, are not helping accomplish your overall goal, which is to follow up with your clients via telephone. Keep the goal at the forefront of your mind, and only complete tasks that directly contribute to the completion of that goal.
- Take a break and be social. Socializing is a great relaxer and puts you in a positive mindset. It is okay to take a break when you’ve been focused for a long period of time and feel you need to step away for a bit to refresh your body and mind. Text a friend about a lunch date, check in with your spouse about how his or her day is going, or even browse your social networks for five minutes. By taking your mind off the task for a short period of time, you actually can increase your productivity by preventing burnout and excessive stress. Be responsible with your downtime, but don’t be afraid to use it.
Clearing your mind is of utmost importance in the long-term journey of accomplishing your business goals. Remember to take deep breaths, don’t sweat the details, and allow yourself some social interaction. This mix of caring for both your physical and mental needs is crucial to your ability to deal with any level of chaos.
What do you think of our list? Have you tried any of these things? Please share your comments below!