All posts tagged home business

How to Get Yourself Focused Every Day

How to Get Yourself Focused Every Day

If you’re someone who is easily distracted, you’re not alone.  Whether you work from home or commute to an office, most workplaces are breeding grounds for diversions.  The good news is that eliminating these distractions can be as simple as turning off your cell phone.  Read on for a step-by-step guide to focus yourself and become more productive, two essential characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.

  1. Organize your work space.  Nothing promotes efficiency like a neat, tidy, and organized office, cubicle, or desk.  Create an organizational system that is suited to your business and style, and make sure everything is put away at the end of your work day.  You will then be able to dive right in tomorrow without the added task of finding what you need in a pile of papers or mis-labeled files.
  2. Break down goals into smaller benchmarks.  Most of your goals involve multiple steps that need to be done over a longer period of time.  For example, re-designing your website can seem like such a monstrous task that we don’t know where to begin…so we never do.  When writing down your goals, break them down into smaller, manageable tasks that can be completed in a few hours.  You will be finishing them regularly and you will know that you are on the path to overall goal achievement, which can be an incredibly motivating factor.
  3. Prioritize.  There are so many possible tasks to be working on over the course of any given day, so by prioritizing them, you relieve the pressure of having to complete every single one.  Identify just a few important and/or time-sensitive tasks and forget the rest.  Once your work is completed, revisit the list and prioritize again for the next day.
  4. Say goodbye to distractions.  A ringing cell phone, the high-pitched text message alert, the ping of the email notification, your multiple social networking profiles, your instant message window…these are all  taking time away from your task at hand.  Yes, those things need to be attended to, but silence that phone or disable the internet connection while working on other things.  Schedule a specific time during your work day that is dedicated only to catching up on email correspondence, for example, or checking how many times your blog link was retweeted.  Knowing that this time is earmarked, you won’t stress out about how many messages you may be missing while you go about your day.
  5. Give yourself a break.  Our brains use lots of energy while we work, so it’s important to take even a quick break every 60-90 minutes of continuous work.  Have a healthy snack, get up and stretch your legs, or listen to your favorite song.  Anything that helps you recharge will be a valuable asset to your stamina, which is crucial to continuous productivity.

Getting productive and staying that way certainly takes a large amount of self-discipline.  You most likely already have that in you as a small business owner.  Embrace your strengths and use them to make the most of your precious time. How to you focus yourself every day?  Please share your suggestions in the comments below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Use Scripts to Increase Your Business

Use Scripts to Increase Your Business

If you’ve ever been to the theatre to see a play, you probably have a good idea why actors stick to the script.  The story is already laid out, the characters are already developed, and everything is organized in a way that the audience can understand and enjoy.  Sure, unforeseen circumstances happen and sometimes the actors have to ad lib, but for the most part, everyone on stage has a clear plan as to what needs to be done.  The same concept can be applied to direct sales and small businesses.  Here are some ways in which you can use scripts to in a variety of situations and grow your business.

Situations Fit For a Script

  • Informal conversation – How many times have you found yourself talking to a stranger, an acquaintance, or even family member who asks about what you do for a living?  Instead of letting this possibly golden opportunity go to waste, prepare a concise description of your business that is not only brief and informational, but also may prompt further questions and interest from others. 
  • Follow-up calls – When calling customers to follow up on a transaction, you need to be prepared for both positive and negative feedback and questions.  Having a few responses planned that will help solve a problem or lead to a future purchase will solidify your relationships with customers.
  • Collecting money – Possibly one of the most difficult aspects of being a business owner is having to be your own Accounts Receivable Department.  It can be uncomfortable to ask others for money, even when it is rightly owed to you.  Depending on the situation, a script can be extremely helpful for staying professional while getting to the point and being direct.

How to Use a Script

  • Map out your ideal conversation. Whether you’re meeting a potential customer for the first time or introducing a new product to a longtime client, actually write out how you would want the conversation to happen.   Chances are slim that things will play out this way in reality, but having a goal to reach will help you navigate any obstacles that pop up when speaking with clients and colleagues.
  • Identify potential pitfalls.  You know this magical ideal conversation won’t exactly be the one that is actually taking place, so identify where and how it might go astray.  Consider using a flow chart format for anticipating responses from the person to whom you are speaking and how to handle those responses.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and tailor it to fit your situation; for example, color coding a flow chart or using post-it flags to help you find what you’re looking for in a pinch can make a script more efficient.
  • Rehearse!  Of course, you don’t want what you’re saying to sound scripted and/or rehearsed, but you do need to be well-prepared in order to be confident and exude competence to your customers.  Practice what you want to say in front of the mirror, with another person, or even on a voice recorder.  (Listening to yourself will enable you to analyze your tone of voice and how others may perceive you.)  The more prepared you are, the more comfortable you will feel, and the more successful you can become.

Using scripts to help you in networking, customer relations, and other business situations can be a real asset to your business.  How have you incorporated scripts in order to grow your business?  Please share with us in the comments section below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Small Steps Can Lead to Big Payoffs

Small Steps Can Lead to Big Payoffs

Like many people in their mid-thirties, I have gone through several major life changing events over the past few years.  Building a career, having a child, and purchasing a home are just a few of the exciting events that I have experienced first-hand.

But with these events often come significant financial changes and a whole lot of planning for the future – retirement, children’s education, and aging parents, to name a few.  With so much going on and so many things to consider, keeping track of finances can be difficult, even overwhelming.

The recent purchase of a new home gave me a chance to reorganize and re-evaluate my finances and prompted me to track my budget more closely.  I started to track my expenses daily and found it to be an eye-opening experience!

Once I was able to see where my money was really going, I was able to plug the leaks and redirect my money to be more in line with my financial goals.  Here are some things that I have learned in the process:

  • Establish a system that works for you.  There are several record filing systems and budgeting methods to choose from.  If you find one doesn’t work for you, don’t give up!  Simply try a new system.
  • If you overspend, get back on track. Don’t let it give you license to blow your whole budget.
  • Work a slush fund into your budget.  Overspending is bound to happen and it will keep you from needing to tap into your savings.
  • Plan ahead.  One of my budget leaks was unplanned expenses while running errands.  Now before heading out the door, I always make sure that I have plenty of drinks, snacks, and activities for my son in order to avoid spontaneous purchases.

You don’t need a big life changing event to reap the benefits of tracking your expenses.  If you want to get started with your own budget, but feel overwhelmed or not sure where to begin, it may be helpful to speak with a financial counselor.  They can take a look at your situation, help you establish a budget and offer expert advice.  Here are some things to look for when choosing a financial counseling agency to work with:

  • Choose a non-profit agency that is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) or the International Standards Organization (ISO), or is a member of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC).  Your local credit union may also be able to direct you to a financial counseling agency.
  • Find out what services are offered.  A good organization will have a range of services, such as budget counseling, debt management services, and credit report counseling.
  • Ask what, if any, fees are involved.    Most non-profit financial counseling organizations offer some of their services and educational information for free.  If you are interested in Debt Management services, fees should not exceed $50 per month, or so.
  • Consider the way you would like to receive the services.   Counseling may be done in person, or over the phone or internet.  Choose a method that will fit your needs.

Taking a few minutes each day to write down my expenses and review my budget keeps me on track to meet my financial goals, both short- and long- term.

Beth Luke ( is a financial educator for GreenPath Debt Solutions, a non-profit, national leader in financial education and counseling.

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Top Ten Small Business Pitfalls

Top Ten Small Business Pitfalls

Did you ever hear the phrase, “Hindsight is 20/20.”? It’s easy to look back on our mistakes and identify what went wrong after the fact.  It is of utmost importance to avoid common pitfalls made by millions of others before you.  By learning from their mistakes, you can make smart decisions for your business and enjoy making your entrepreneurial dreams come true.  Here are the top ten pitfalls to avoid in your business and how to avoid them:

  1. Failure to educate yourself before you begin – There is so much that goes into owning a business that goes beyond knowing your industry.  Small business ownership is a marathon, not a sprint, so stamina is the key.  Since you will most likely be watching your pennies, take advantage of free resources, like those provided by the Small Business Administration .
  2. A non-existent or hastily written business plan – Believe it or not, too many people start up businesses without a plan.  Don’t worry; you don’t need an MBA degree to write up a business plan.  An effective business plan should include a description of your business; information about your industry, competitors, suppliers, and target demographic; a marketing strategy; and finances.
  3. Spending money unnecessarily – To control startup costs, consider the following: leasing any equipment you may need instead of buying, buying supplies second hand, purchasing a minimal amount of inventory to avoid overstocking, and dealing in cash as often as possible.
  4. Not collecting payments promptly – Remember, you are held to a tight standard in having to pay your own creditors; hold your customers to the same standard.  Always provide an invoice no matter how small the amount, follow up when necessary, and don’t be afraid to implement a cash upfront policy for delinquent accounts.
  5. Forgetting to plan for a rainy day – So your efforts are paying off; inventory is flying off the shelves, you’re teeming with new customers, and profits are way up.  Enjoy it of course, but don’t forget to save some of that hard earned cash for an unforeseen setback.  Just like the overall economy, certain industries experiences cycles of good times and bad.  Your business will be able to survive the hard times if you put away some money and have a contingency plan for if things suddenly go south.
  6. Getting set in your ways – Even the most successful business owners can have a difficult time adjusting to new trends in the industry.  Keep abreast of any changes, including innovative new products/services, a shift in customer needs/wants, price points, marketing techniques, and technology.  Chances are that your customers are aware of what’s new, so don’t get left in the dark.
  7. Doing it all yourself – If you have employees, trust in their abilities and delegate responsibilities.  Trying to meet every obligation on your own and micromanaging are both recipes for burnout and disaster.  Empower your staff by handing over certain tasks and projects; you’ll also find that they will become more invested in the success of your business when they know they are an important part of it.
  8. Inability to step away – Once you have established your business, you should make decisions that allow it to run smoothly without you once in awhile.  There will be times when you need to take a few days off for personal obligations, and let’s face it: who doesn’t need a vacation every now and then?
  9. Poor marketing – From traditional marketing methods to those of the 21st century, there are more ways to market your business than ever before.  As with anything else in your business, do your research to decide what is best.  It might be a good idea to only focus on one or two methods at first, such as targeted direct mail campaigns and an effective website.  Collect information about what is working and adjust your marketing efforts accordingly.
  10. Lack of discipline – This is especially important if you have a home-based business.  Our households are rife with distractions such as laundry, cleaning, a ringing phone, and even our own children.  These things take time away from your business, which in turn takes money out of your pocket.  Create a strict schedule for yourself and stick to it, make a list of what needs to be done and when, and minimize needless distractions.

What pitfalls have you encountered in your business?  Please share your problems and solutions with us in the comments section below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Tapping Your Network to Grow

Tapping Your Network to Grow

We all have networks. These are groups of people that we connect with on a regular basis because of mutual interests, business, or other reasons. They’re a great source of personal satisfaction as well as potential business leads. Whether it’s a book club, religious organization, or professional networking group, networks can be a great resource for your business.

Here are some ideas for tapping this valuable resource to continue growing your business.

  • Give them a reason to check out your business.  If these people are already in your existing network, chances are they have some degree of familiarity with your business.  For this reason, you need to motivate them to rediscover you.  Perhaps you have recently renovated your space, introduced a new product/service, or expanded your online presence.  Use this change to re-promote your business to your network contacts and keep the relationship alive. Ask them to check out the change and offer their opinion.
  • Offer reciprocity.  Through networking, current contacts often lead to new prospects and future contacts within your network.  To take advantage of this, offer a way to return the favor when someone helps you in your business by either patronizing it themselves or advertising it to others.  For example, a local restaurant owner can recommend a nearby banquet hall for parties and offer a special discount for customers using his or her restaurant for the catering.  Likewise, the catering hall can refer customers to the restaurant for a free appetizer or dessert by mentioning their name at the restaurant after booking a party at the banquet hall.  This helps each business gain new customers, and maintains a good relationship between both businesses.
  • Team up for an event.  Promoting each other’s products and services can be done in many ways, including putting together a joint event that works for everyone involved.  A direct seller of home décor might team up with a direct seller of cookware to create an event that offers people new ideas about how to prepare for a dinner party, covering everything from how to best use your space to what recipes can be used for each course of the meal.  An event like this exposes each business owner to a new group of potential clients while providing the opportunity to show those prospects the best of each one’s business.
  • Make professional appearances at trade shows, chamber of commerce meetings, and industry conventions.  Consider doing a speaking engagement, teaching a workshop, or holding a demonstration of your business’s products/services for other small business owners.  If you run a successful business, you have much to offer fellow business owners and those just getting started.  Making a name for yourself locally will spark interest in your business.

Your network is a valuable resource which should not be overlooked when taking steps to grow your business.  What ideas do you have for tapping your network?  Please share with us in the comments below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

DSEF & FTC: “Gameover” Scam Target Bank Accounts

DSEF & FTC: “Gameover” Scam Target Bank Accounts

February 1st, 2012 by

The FBI identified a new phishing scam online that targets your bank accounts. The scam is called “Gameover.” Once the virus is on your computer, it can steal all of your user names and passwords before you realize what has happened.

How It Works

The Gameover scam will email you, pretending to be from the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA), the Federal Reserve Bank, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The email will say that there has been a problem with your bank account or a recent transaction, and will include a link to help fix the problem. The link will send you to a phony site, where the Gameover malware is automatically installed on your computer and starts stealing your bank account information.

If you think you’ve been victimized by this type of scheme, contact your financial institution to report it, and file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Learn more about the Gameover Scam.

For 13 years, the DSEF has been proud to partner with the FTC and other organizations to offer a wide array of education events and resources that encourage consumers nationwide to take full advantage of their rights and make better-informed decisions.

You’ll find a wealth of resources at that will help you protect your privacy, manage your money, learn more about credit and debt, decipher advertising messages, and steer clear of fraud and scams.

Please take a moment to share the resources on this Web site with others in your communities and companies and, together, we’ll help build a nation of better-informed and educated consumers.

Charles. L. Orr
Executive Director

How to Build a Unique Business

How to Build a Unique Business

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see a red bullseye? If you’re like most people, your answer is Target.  What is it about Starbucks that makes it different from other coffee establishments?  Perhaps it’s the taste of the coffee itself, the blended language of their drink sizes, or maybe even the first place to bring the culture of Italian espresso bars to the U.S.  These are exceptional examples of a million dollar idea, but they are also standards that we can look up to.  Sometimes it seems as if everything has been done before.  Even so, your business can be a unique endeavor if you can apply and incorporate your own individuality.

  • Focus on your personal strengths.  Even if your business is very similar to others, there is only one you.  Do some serious personal reflection to pinpoint what makes you different.  What can you bring to the table that no one else can?  For instance, you may be one of many direct sellers in your area working for the same type of company.  However, use your strengths to make yourself stand out from the rest.  A consultant with a background in theatre might do very well using his/her knowledge and expertise to create an entertaining and polished sales presentation unlike any that customers have seen before.  Your business is a reflection of who you are, so take advantage of that, and give it your personal flair.
  • Choose a micro-niche.  Instead of casting a wide net and trying to cater to a large market, narrow down your business and your target market.  The more narrow and specific you make it, the more recognized in your field you will become.  For example, a hair salon might focus on children’s hairdressing.  A micro-niche would be a salon that specializes in children’s hairstyles for the pageant circuit.  Now, a very specific target market can be reached, and the business can become a well-known one among those in that circle.
  • Make customer service a top priority.  Considering experiences you have had with other small businesses, what were their strong points?  Where were they lacking?  Use this knowledge to perfect your own customer relations.  Is there something you can offer that goes above and beyond what your competitors are doing?  Think about learning your customers’ names, something personal about them, and what they could get of your business that would somehow make their lives easier or more pleasant.  Modern technology has stolen much of our culture’s person-to-person interaction, so the better your customer service is, the more memorable you will be.
  • Use unusual interests to your advantage.  Whether you are starting a brand new business or looking to make an existing one more innovative, take a close look at your own interests.  Is there something unique or unusual about them?  For example, a forward-thinking individual named Jason Sadler developed an idea for wearing t-shirts to advertise companies wanting viral exposure.  His website has become its own community of people viewing and sharing his team’s content.

The key to building a unique business is identifying your own personal distinction.  What other ways do you bring originality to your business?  Share with us in the comments section below!

Socialize to Increase Business

Socialize to Increase Business

Socializing is the art of meeting and engaging people. Mastering socialization skills will not only help you in developing better relationships, but will also increase your business. Incorporating these characteristics into your everyday interactions will help you find and reach your target market.

  • Sincerity – Most people can see through a fake smile or greeting and are therefore turned off by it.  Be genuine in your interactions.  Your customers will know that you truly do care about satisfying their needs and giving them a positive experience.
  • Confidence – Project confidence not only in yourself, but also in the product/service you are offering and the manner in which you conduct your business. It reassures your customers that you are knowledgeable about your field and qualified to meet their needs.
  • Inquisitiveness – Getting people talking is all about asking the right questions.  It is of utmost importance that your customers feel that you have a sincere desire to learn more about them, but they won’t divulge anything without being asked.  Decide what you really should know about a customer to meet his or her needs and strike up conversations with people that relates to those topics. Tip:  Create a “script” to get you started that includes a few pre-planned questions, topics, or anecdotes to break the ice or fill a pause in a conversation.
  • Listening – There is a great difference between hearing what is being said and listening to it.  Listening requires you to process information; a person can easily tell if you are listening to him or her.  Show that you are listening by responding when prompted, making eye contact, and reading the body language of those to whom you are speaking.  Tip: Listening skills role-play makes a great activity for professional development.  Plan a few topics ahead of time, and take turns speaking about and listening to them for five minutes at a time.
  • Positive – People are turned off by negative people. Make sure your conversations stay positive. Even if the conversation turns critical, always maintain a positive view. The impression you will leave after the conversation is an optimistic and can do person. And that’s the kind of person people want to do business with.
  • Promote others – Make sure most of your conversations are about others. This shows people that not only are you caring, but also gives you an opportunity to highlight your ethics and values. Customers are loyal to businesses that they like and trust.

Places to socialize with your target market:

  • Community events and hot spots (local fundraisers, playgroups, sports games, farmers markets, dog parks)
  • Informal and formal parties (summer barbeques, beach outings, holiday cookie bakes, New Year’s celebrations)
  • Online through blogging, social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), your business website
  • Self-sponsored open house or grand opening event

However you choose to do so, socializing with your target market requires you to know exactly who they are.  Once you have identified them, put yourself in situations that allow for meaningful social interactions.  You will not only promote your business, but also learn more about how to satisfy your customers’ needs in the process.

How do you interact socially with your prospects? Would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Seven Ways to Get Others to Promote Your Business

Seven Ways to Get Others to Promote Your Business

When other people talk about your business, it increases credibility and adds value to your brand. But when people want to help you promote your business, do you know what to ask them to do?

Here are ways that other people, such as family, friends, community members, and network associates can help you promote your business.

  1. Display your literature.  Something as simple as a brochure on a table in a waiting room can pique the interest of potential customers.  If designed well, such promotional materials will attract others to pick them up, read them, and ask about them.  Other places to display information are community bulletin boards (clubhouse lobbies, libraries, municipal buildings, and online newsletters), local businesses with whom you have no direct competition, and places of worship.  Increasing your visibility can quickly add to your customer base.  Remember to ask permission from the appropriate people before doing so.
  2. Showcase your testimonials and reviews. Highlight your loyal client testimonials and reviews of your products/services in your literature, online presences and other marketing materials. People will be more likely to trust what their neighbors, friends and family say about your business than any other kind of marketing. 
  3. Reward referrals.  People who help you promote your business can provide prospects that may be in need of your products or services with your contact information, a little bit about you, how they know you, etc.  If you have an incentive system in place to reward those who give you referrals, they will be more likely to continue doing so.  
  4. Sponsor events.  When holding an event such as an open house, recruit others to donate space, equipment, advertising, or other resources needed.  This kind of help can be mutually beneficial as it increases the visibility and promotes the interests of all involved.  For example, if you sell jewelry and are running a holiday shopping promotion for corporate customers, ask someone you know who works in an office setting to let you set up in their conference room, talk up your event to coworkers, and perhaps recommend a local deli to provide finger foods and beverages.  
  5. Use social media and contests.  You most likely already have a website, Facebook page, Twitter account, blog or any combination of these set up.  One key to making these work for you is to get others to want to share your content with their friends.  Consider setting up contests, polls and games that give out prizes. This encourages sharing of your information, products, or events and maximizes the effect that word of mouth can have. 
  6. Invite you to relevant events.  Many business organizations hold conventions, workshops, and seminars for their members and guests.  Ask members of such organizations to invite you to one of these events.  For example, a workshop for interior designers would be a great place for a self-employed home organizer to meet prospects who may either be in need of their services or who regularly work with others that do.  Not only will you gain valuable information there, but you will also have a chance to meet potential customers.  
  7. Tap influencers. Seek out influencers in your community and provide them an incentive to promote your business. The difference here is that influencers generally have larger networks and/or have more credibility. The key here is again to have them share your information and provide a testimonial to increase word of mouth. 

Decide what methods you are most comfortable with in getting others to promote your business, and make a list for yourself.  Incorporate one of more of these methods on a regular basis to facilitate the growth of your business.

What have you found to be an effective way for others to promote you?  Please share your ideas and experiences below!

5 Lead Generating Ideas for Small Business

5 Lead Generating Ideas for Small Business

Businesses are always looking for new clientele. The key to lead generation is providing consistent excellence and getting people to promote your business to others.

Here are some ways you can generate new leads for your business.

1. Make the most of social media. It all starts with nurturing and engaging your network of people online regularly. The idea is to provide content that will encourage people to share with their network of friends online. Create interest to draw new friends/fans and leads.

    • Post usable content that encourages sharing, like recipes, quick household tips, and reviews.
    • Post photos/videos that are amusing, informative and positive.
    • Create a contest and/or offer free stuff.
    • Post and invite people to events.
    • Post a survey/poll.

2. Seek referrals from current clients.  By providing consistently excellent customer service as well as high quality products/services, you will generate a constant flow of referrals. Implement a process to automatically ask for referrals at the end of every order. If you don’t have this process in place, just ask your customers for referrals. You’ll be surprised by how many  business owners just don’t ask.

Another way is to create a fun contest to get your customers talking about your products/services with others. This way, customers are promoting your business without the sales pitch and creating leads. Click here for more ideas on getting referrals.

3. Team up.  Find a local business that caters to a similar market as yours, and build a relationship based on mutual interests and benefits.  You could hold a joint open house, offer incentives for customers that use both of your services, and even split the costs of local advertising.  Once you have built a solid relationship, begin referring each other to your customers both by word of mouth and also by distributing mailers and business cards to your patrons. For example, one local ice cream shop hosts a blood drive periodically, and offers a free ice cream cone to those that donate. They teamed up with the pub down the street so now both businesses advertise ice cream and beer (“a pint for a pint”) for donating which generates traffic to both businesses, and also creates good will towards both businesses in the community.

4. Network with influencers. This will require you to seek out influencers in your community. Also don’t forget the influencers that you already know off and online. Support influencers in their passions and causes and establish a relationship with them. Then you can create a mutually beneficial relationship where you refer to one another. This will help you tap into their network of people and find new leads for your business.

5. Weekly face to face.  Schedule time to have coffee, lunch and/or a social get-together with customers, online friends/fans, other local business people and influencers weekly. Keep it social. This will help deepen your relationships, and naturally get you leads as they talk about their time with you.

What methods have you used to generate meaningful leads?  Please add to our list in the comments section below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!