All posts tagged home business

7 Steps to Create a Winning Mindset

7 Steps to Create a Winning Mindset

In life and in business there are many unforeseen obstacles. Some of these obstacles can trip us up and cause us to fall flat on our faces.

How do you get back up? How do you make the pain of falling on your face go away? How do you keep going?

If you have a winning mindset you can overcome these obstacles and use them to motivate yourself to push forward and succeed. Here’s an outline to create your winning mindset.

  1. Define your WHY. List three top reasons that you want to succeed. The first reason should be personal and for yourself, the second reason can be based on loved ones and the third reason could be for anything important to you.
  2. Make a plan. The plan should include short, medium and long term goals. Then include the how, when, where, who and what.
  3. Accountability. Share your plan with a friend or family member that is willing to cheer you on and be honest with you. Even better, get a small group of supportive, positive people who will hold you responsible and keep you on your plan.
  4. Make a daily routine and schedule. A winning mindset is built on momentum. Checking off each thing on your to-do list daily will help you see progress and give you motivation to continue.
  5. Use visualizations. See yourself and your goals as a campfire. Like a fire you need to keep adjusting it, adding wood to keep the fire going and make it big. Every step makes the fire bigger and sometimes a misstep or problem may diminish your flames. That means you need to adjust quickly and keep the fire going.
  6. Make a plan for when you fall. Like with any injury you will need time to heal, to evaluate what happened and maybe some physical therapy to get back to full strength. Have a system in place that you’re comfortable with to help you evaluate and learn from your mistakes. You could keep a journal, take a walk or draw a map. See mistakes as detours that help get you where you want to go more quickly.
  7. Perspective. Goals are destinations and mistakes/missteps are detours. You will get lost from time to time and sometimes you’ll speed ahead. That’s the nature of a journey. It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you get there. Having patience will give you the long-burning fuel you need to reach your destination.

Creating a winning mindset is like being a great baker: it’s part science, part self-confidence and part ingenuity. The science is in the plans you make, the confidence is in the belief in yourself, visualizations and your perspective, and the ingenuity is in finding ways to get things done.

Did we leave anything out? What else would you include in a winner mindset? Please share with us in the comments section below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Simple Ways to Add Value to Your Business

Simple Ways to Add Value to Your Business

In this economy, it has become the norm for consumers to seek out products and services that will bring them the most bang for their buck.  In other words, everyone is looking for the best value.  Even an everyday trip to the grocery store involves a search for the best value; why buy three individually packaged rolls of paper towels for $3.00 each when you can get a 6-pack of the same kind for $14.99?  As a small business owner, it is important to add value to your own products and services, so your customers are assured that they are making the best decision by patronizing your business.

Problem:  A higher-priced product is perceived as too expensive and rarely sells.

Solution:  Highlight the versatility of the product, and educate customers on its many uses, some of which they may be unaware.  For example, a cashmere blend sweater wrap in your company’s catalogue is one of the priciest products at $79.  Most of the customers who see it and try it on absolutely love it, but don’t want to spend so much on one article of clothing.  Add value to the product by highlighting its ability to be worn on its own, as a wrap over a dress or blouse, tied in front or in back, etc.  You may also point out that because of the high-end fabric, it will last many years and serve as a staple in one’s closet.  Once all of that is considered, the price does not seem so high.

Problem:  Most people don’t patronize small businesses because they don’t think they can offer the same conveniences as big box stores.

Solution:  Emphasize your excellent customer service and throw in conveniences when possible.  For example, if someone wants to make an exchange or purchase an add-on to one of your products, offer personal delivery so the person doesn’t have to make the extra trip.  Take it one step further by making a follow-up call a few days later to make sure the customer is completely satisfied.  Most people are willing to pay a bit more for top-quality service and convenience.  The ability you have to be more personal with your customers is something you should take full advantage of when marketing your business.

Problem:  Customers seem skeptical about making the purchase.

Solution:  Offer a test drive of your product or service.  This is an effective way to demonstrate your confidence in your business as well as an opportunity for you to showcase what you have to offer.  One local masseuse who works out of her home offers three-minute “mini-massages” for just $3, but it becomes free when the client decides to either stay or book a future 30-minute or longer session.  This strategy allows potential customers to literally try out her service completely risk-free, which works especially well for this kind of business since you can’t “return” a massage if you’re not happy with the results.

Adding value to your business doesn’t have to cost you any money.  With a bit more time and effort, you could find yourself an increased customer base that is spreading the good word about your products and services to family and friends.  How do you add value to your business?  Please share your ideas below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Tips to Generate Business

Tips to Generate Business

Whether you are just starting out or simply looking to light a fire under your bottom line, it may be time to look for more ways to generate business.  Don’t forget about the tried and true, such as word-of-mouth marketing and social media, but you should also look for alternate avenues to attract more customers and increase your profit.  Read on for some helpful suggestions.

  • Use scripts to be more effective. Flying by the seat of your pants isn’t always a good idea, and using scripts can help prepare you for the unexpected.  For example, before reaching out to a prospect, write out a few responses to questions the person may ask or concerns that he or she may express.  The act of writing it down and even practicing saying it will help you exude the confidence and capability needed to close the deal.  Find out more about how and when to use scripts by clicking here.
  • Find new leads. Have a plan to find new leads everyday. This can be done in several different ways including via social media, reaching out to current customers, joining local clubs, activities and partnering up with other local business owners.  For example, if you write a blog, be sure to end it by asking for questions, feedback and other ideas in the comments section.  Respond personally to as many as you can, especially when someone leaves you outstanding feedback, which could possibly be turned into a testimonial.  Finally, encourage your readers to share your blog with their friends for even further exposure.
  • Reach out to current customers for reorders. Reorders should be an additional income stream. Be a good record keeper.  You most likely have some kind of purchase history for your customers; take a look at this history for a certain time period such as the last six months.  Reach out personally to a few customers.  Ask them how satisfied they are with their purchase and suggest other products or services that complement something they’ve already bought.  Such a phone call can not only bring you reorders, but also helps build and maintain an important business relationship.
  • Upselling is a highly effective way to increase profit, especially if you are an expert when it comes to your products and services.  For instance, a customer wants to purchase a foot scrub from your health and beauty business.  Before she checks out, suggest that she add the massaging cream and travel size moisturizer for a complete foot care kit.  Offer to make a gift basket out of it for her, and now you’ve given her the idea that these products would make a great present.  The worst thing you can hear is no, but you’ll never find out unless you ask.
  • Reach out to the community by hosting an event.  Open houses, new product demo nights, and holiday celebrations can be the perfect opportunities to socialize more personally with the very people you want to patronize your business.  Choose a theme or topic, invite local residents and business owners, provide refreshments and product samples, and most importantly, show your sincere desire to serve their best interests. Hosting events is a great way to introduce or re-introduce yourself to your customers and prospects.

What other tips do you have for generating new business?  Please share your ideas below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Create a Unique Story to Promote Your Business

Create a Unique Story to Promote Your Business

A crucial element to a successful small business is the building of relationships with your customers.  As with any relationship, whether personal or professional, each party must bring something to the table to share with the other person.  Sharing details about yourself in even a small way can really go far in creating mutual trust and respect, both qualities that consumers find important when deciding where to take their business.  Here are some suggestions for how you can promote your business by creating a unique story.

  • Remember why you began.  No one takes lightly the decision to go into business for themselves.  Although many things probably factored into your decision, there is most likely one driving reason why you chose this endeavor.  Perhaps you wanted to find a way to stay home with your children during the day, or maybe a loved one inspired you to leave a job you didn’t enjoy to pursue a dream that would make you happy.  When sharing your business with others (friends, prospects, network contacts), make sure to include this personal story.  Tip: Write it out, including any details you remember, and then highlight the most important and personal elements.  What you’re left with will be a memorable story that you can use when building business relationships.
  • Know your strengths and share your inspirations.  What do you have to offer your customers that your competitors do not?  A higher quality product?  Personalized customer service that goes above and beyond?  Whatever it may be, share with others why you think it is so important.  For example, a wedding videographer finds much success by promoting her ability to shoot wonderful videos without being intrusive to the bride and groom.  This is important to her because not only had she been to several weddings where the videographer got in the way, but her own wedding was nearly ruined when the cameraperson nearly tripped her going down the aisle!  A humorous but personal story will make you seem more human, help your customers remember you, and demonstrate your commitment to making them happy.
  • Highlight your accomplishments and how you achieved them.  Accomplishments can be anything from receiving formal recognition within your community to simply landing enough sales every month to turn a nice profit.  Without being boastful, share your journey to the top with others you meet.  Back to the wedding videographer, she would do well with a story about how she perfected the art of taking great videos without being noticed.  People like to do business with others they know who work hard and take pride in that work.  Don’t be afraid to shine the spotlight on yourself once in a while.
  • Reflect on how you learned from past mistakes.  No one is perfect, so if you try to paint yourself as such, you will undoubtedly turn people off because you won’t sound sincere.  When telling your story, include a few downs of your journey as well as the ups.  That wedding videographer didn’t magically become so skilled overnight; she had some weddings in the beginning of her career where she was so focused on staying out of the way that she missed some important moments.  However, watching and studying her own footage as well as studying the methods of industry experts helped her perfect her craft and improve her skills.  After all of that hard work, she’s not afraid to share how she got to be where she is with others.  Customers will appreciate your honesty and be reassured that you do truly strive for their satisfaction.

Identifying and sharing the unique elements of yourself and your business is an effective way to promote it.  The key is in deciding which details to include and which to omit.  Think like your customer when you choose!

Finally, make sure you practice telling your stories. You want them to sound natural and comfortable when sharing them.  Remember that they’re your stories and yours alone, so don’t be afraid to a get a little personal while still staying appropriate.

Do you use unique stories in your business?  Share your ideas below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

How to Use Fun to Increase Business

How to Use Fun to Increase Business

If you’re like most people, you can recall a joke or two that you learned in your childhood and still retell it perfectly decades later.  The reason you remember those jokes is the power of humor.  When we find something funny, it signals our brains to store it in our memory.  Using this idea can be highly beneficial to your business.  Read on for some tips on how to incorporate fun elements into your business and increase your bottom line.

  • Make marketing fun!  Many successful companies have created brands that don’t take themselves too seriously.  For example, a pet waste removal service by the name of Doody Calls is one of the most successful in its locality.  Why?  Its name is simple, memorable, and invokes a laugh, giggle or at least a smile at the sound of it.  Consider using wordplay in your marketing materials; it‘s a great way to stand out from the crowd.
  • Encourage friendly competition.  The reason that gamification has become so popular in business is because it caters to our innate needs for recognition, praise, and the ability to express or display our accomplishments (think trophies and badges).  Companies like FourSquare and Shopkick have taken this to the next level by posting leader boards and reminding you where you stand among your friends.  Even if you are just starting out, create small ways for your customers to “play” and compete with each other for special gifts and incentives.
  • Create a progress tracker.  This works really well on websites, but could also be applied to tangible incentives, like punch cards.  For example, when customers place an order on your website, incorporate a progress bar that displays how close they are to completing the process.  They could even get an extra reward for completing a brief survey upon placing the order.  You could also create a punch/stamp card or other reward system, similar to the one used by Subway, where your card gets stamped with the purchase of each sub up until the 10th one that you get for free.  Something so simple rewards loyal customers and motivates new customers to continually come back.
  • Bring some fun to professional development sessions/team meetings.  Fun is a highly effective motivator, so incorporate it into the contact you have with your downline or other staff.  Create a theme for the meeting and select an appropriate, upbeat song to play as people arrive. (A meeting about personalized customer service could kick off with “Any Way You Want It” by Journey.) Have people pair up to solve a quick riddle or conduct a brief interview with each other.  When you make such events fun for your team, they will look forward to coming, and in turn will enjoy the work part of it even more.  A happy team makes a motivated team.

It’s no secret that success in small business takes a lot of “blood, sweat, and tears” so to speak.  However, making your business fun for yourself, your customers, and your team will increase your ability to maintain success in the long term.

How do you use fun to increase business?  Please share your ideas in the comments section below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

DSEF & CBBB: Happiness is…

DSEF & CBBB: Happiness is…

Happiness is…..

By Carol Odell

Have you ever considered that mind-wandering can affect your happiness? And your productivity?

Matthew Killingsworth discusses his findings from his research study in the article, The Future of Happiness Research in the January-February 2012 Harvard Business Review.

Killingsworth says that our mind wanders nearly half the time and that lowers our mood. We have always heard that we need to feed ourselves positive thoughts. Now, we know why. Right? If we don’t make an effort to be positive we tend to think negative or neutral thoughts, and down goes our mood.

I was floored when I read what Killingsworth says about how much our minds wander. It’s 60% while commuting, 30% when talking to someone and about 50% of our work day! Obviously, we don’t stay focused as much as we think or want.

As managers, employees, spouses, parents, and/or friends, staying focused is important and we need to improve. Killingsworth suggests that when we get up in the morning we should ask ourselves, “What am I going to do with my mind today?”

Reflective listening helps me stay focused when someone is talking. In other words, I rephrase what the person has said, and say it back to him. When I am working or reading, I repeat thoughts out loud or read out loud to stop my mind from wandering.

What do you do? We all need tips to keep focused and happy.

Killingsworth also talks about happiness on the job being more about our moment-to-moment experiences rather than a high salary or a prestigious title. Once again, we are hearing it’s the small things that count.

What are the small things that make a difference in your day or happiness? Pass your thoughts along and you could help make a difference in our happiness, too.


DSEF and Council on Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) fosters honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers—instilling consumer confidence and advancing a trustworthy marketplace for all.

About the Better Business Bureaus
As the leader in advancing marketplace trust, Better Business Bureau is an unbiased non-profit organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Every year, more than 87 million consumers rely on BBB Business Reviews® and BBB Wise Giving Reports® to help them find trustworthy businesses and charities across North America. for more information.

Opportunities that Increase Business

Opportunities that Increase Business

When you are your own boss, your work day may end at certain time, but your business is always a part of your life.  As direct sellers and/or small business owners, we should constantly be looking for opportunities that can increase business. These chances present themselves more often than you might think.  Here are some ways to take advantage of such openings that could prove extremely beneficial.

  • Personalizing – If you’ve ever been to a salon where you see the same hair stylist regularly, you might notice that he or she strikes up conversations by asking you questions about your personal life.  “How are your twin daughters? Isn’t their birthday coming up?” or “You recently moved across town right?  How do you like the neighborhood?” may be some of the ways the stylist makes you feel comfortable, important, and relaxed during your hair cut.  Most savvy stylists and other industry experts will tell you that the key to personalizing their service is very simple and even old-fashioned: write things down!  When engaging a customer in conversation, write down any memorable facts that were shared with you, such as marital status, children, occupation, etc.  Then, right before you meet with that customer again, quickly review your notes so you can bring up these details.  Everyone appreciates a personal touch, and they will share this feeling with others when recommending your business to their friends and family.
  • Partnering – Navigating the world of small business ownership can seem a lot like being thrown into the jungle to fend for yourself; and just like in the jungle, there is strength in numbers.  Use this to your advantage and find other small businesses with whom to join forces.  Teaming up with businesses that provide products or services that complement your own can have mutually beneficial results.  For example, the owner of a bed & breakfast could partner with a local bakery.  The baker could provide muffins, rolls, bagels, donuts, and other breakfast pastries that could be served with the guests’ breakfast.  In exchange, the owner could distribute the bakery’s business cards and cross promote certain products or services when a guest patronizes both establishments.  Each business is getting referrals from a different market, and incentives will keep customers coming back.
  • Fundraising – Getting involved with your community is a great way to network and introduce yourself to your customer base.  Contact your local chamber of commerce, places of worship, schools, etc. to find out how you can become involved in fundraising efforts and promote your business at the same time.  Many organizations hold Tricky Trays, raffles, flea markets, car washes, bake sales, and other small and large scale events.  Consider donating a gift basket to a tricky tray, setting up a table at a flea market, or volunteering at a car wash or bake sale.  These are wonderful opportunities to give back to the community, build business relationships, and increase your business.
  • Celebrating – This is the time of year when many businesses are promoting Teacher Appreciation Day by providing special discounts or incentives to their customers who are teachers.  Take this idea to the next level by choosing one or two groups a month to celebrate, such as nurses, administrative workers, and military personnel.  This will not only bring in more customers, but it will also facilitate building important business relationships with your clientele.

If you gradually and systematically utilize these networking avenues you will efficiently expand the opportunities for your growing business. You should always be on the lookout for opportunities that can increase your business.  Never be afraid to talk to others about what you do; you never know what awaits!  What opportunities can you add to our list?  Please share your ideas below!

DSEF & CBBB: Watch Your Event Explode When You Use These Three Promotion Paths

DSEF & CBBB: Watch Your Event Explode When You Use These Three Promotion Paths

Today’s highlighted blog post from the Council on Better Business Bureaus (CBBB):

Watch Your Event Explode When You Use These Three Promotion Paths

By Lance Trebesch and’s global customers do such a great job promoting and hosting their events we thought we would share some of their most powerful tips with you.

Today, advertising is a multi-tiered task. Modern event planners need to use all the tools available. After all, you can’t sell tickets if no one knows you have tickets for sale.

Word of Mouth: Before you go viral, go verbal!

  • The Australian music and events PR company Pretty Like Money wanted to sell event tickets to “uni students and urban music lovers” for their recent Hip Hop Halloween. They spread the word that their event would be “a different scene.” Those in search of novelty couldn’t help but get excited about a unique event in the area.
  • In America, Denise Johnson, who coordinated the Alex Johnson Memorial Concert, told us never to overestimate the value of word-of-mouth advertising. She found that she could sell more tickets “one-on-one” than she could through paid advertisements.

Traditional Media: There’s still room for print in a visually- jumbled world.

  • The Swanage and Purbeck Hospitality Association in the UK wanted to promote their village with a comedy festival and our print products helped them spread the word in the area: They used “professional flyers printed and circulated locally plus posters and roadside banners.”
  • In Australia, the Professional Women’s Wrestling Alliance also drums up interest in upcoming matches with printed material. Besides hanging posters, they “hand out fliers to draw the initial attention of the local surrounding areas to where we will be holding events,” combining word-of-mouth with print advertising.

Online Promotions: Share content on your sites and on those of others.

  • Written or videotaped interviews uploaded to allied sites or YouTube work before and after the event. According to UK band Bombskare, “Social media works best,” for spreading the news to their plugged-in fans. They also use QR codes to help bridge the gap from one type of media to another.
  • David  Reynolds of Blue Heron Productions in the U.S. understands that not everyone has the know-how to jumpstart an online campaign. That’s why he encourages the musicians he promotes to help him out: “The younger bands see the benefit of Internet marketing and are generally better at it.” Since his advertising budget is limited, he loves this low-cost, high-tech option for promoting acoustic music.

So use these tips to get the word out, get folks through the door, and watch your event attendance explode!

DSEF and Council on Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) fosters honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers—instilling consumer confidence and advancing a trustworthy marketplace for all.

About the Better Business Bureaus
As the leader in advancing marketplace trust, Better Business Bureau is an unbiased non-profit organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Every year, more than 87 million consumers rely on BBB Business Reviews® and BBB Wise Giving Reports® to help them find trustworthy businesses and charities across North America. for more information.

Questions that Increase Sales

Questions that Increase Sales

One extremely important element of a successful business is the relationship you have with customers.  In order to build that relationship, you need to connect with them on a somewhat personal level, and the best way to do that is by asking questions.  Even more important, however, is learning how to ask the right questions.  Asking effective questions leads to better relationships, which in turn leads to increased sales.  Here are some suggestions for refining what types of questions you ask your prospects.

  • Ask questions that will give you insight into the person’s particular situation.  Customers may already have an idea of what they need or want, but they may also require and even be in search of some guidance to help them find the best product or service to suit their circumstances.  For example, a woman comes into your retail accessory shop looking for a new bag.  “What do you like or dislike about your current bag? What role does your bag play in your typical day? What do you mainly use it for?”  These are questions that get the person really thinking about his or her needs/wants, as well as talking about her life.  Once you can get a prospect to share something personal, you have made a connection on which a relationship can be built.  The more information you have, the better the chance you have of closing the sale.
  • Ask what problem needs solving.  Remember that you are a solution-finder for your customers.  Whether the person wants to satisfy a want or a need, there is most likely something missing in his or her life, however major or minor it may be.  Once you find out this information, you can offer your expertise to present the customer with an option that solves the problem.
  • Ask for a commitment to meet.  Depending on your type of business, it may be appropriate to schedule a follow-up meeting or phone call.  Some people tend to be vague and give broad answers when asked when a good time would be to call.  If the person says, “Any time is fine,” follow that up with, “Is Tuesday at 2 a good time?”  Then confirm the day before if the meeting is scheduled a week or more in advance.
  • Ask for a referral.  This doesn’t just mean asking customers who have actually patronized your business.  Even if a prospect says no, if you are confident that you can truly be of service to someone else, take the initiative to ask for a referral.  This will increase your network and your chances of landing more sales.
  • Ask them to elaborate on hesitations or concerns.  Even the smallest of purchases comes with some level of risk.  If a prospect says, “I’m just not sure I want this right now.”  Ask the person to clarify what exactly is holding him or her back.  When you have a high quality product or service, most times those fears can be alleviated with your honest word and strong guarantee, especially if you are extremely knowledgeable about what you are selling.

Remember, you have everything to gain and very little to lose by digging a little deeper and asking certain types of questions.  What else can you add to our list?  Please share your comments below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Common Sense Business Tips

Common Sense Business Tips

If you’re thinking of starting your own business, or even if you already are an entrepreneur, there are certain common sense business practices that apply to any industry.  Check out the following list to see how many you currently incorporate into yours.

  • Keep accurate records.  This includes not only records of transactions, but also receipts from purchases, invoices for services performed or products sold, and all tax documents.  You can choose to keep hard copies, electronic copies, or a combination of both.  However, don’t forget to have a backup somewhere for anything electronic.  The more accurate and organized your records are, the easier it will be to correct a problem if or when it arises.
  • Organize your desk/office.  Wherever your main workspace is, it should be well-kept area; a cluttered, disorganized area will inhibit your productivity.  Even worse, you may be unable to locate an important document or product you need when you actually need it.
  • Treat customers and employees/colleagues with respect.  You’re bound to encounter difficult situations involving the people with whom you do business.  The way you handle such issues speaks a lot about your character and business ethic.  Sometimes problems cannot be avoided, but handling them calmly, professionally, and respectfully will help you maintain relationships that are important to your business.
  • Create a budget and stick to it.  Even when you’re doing well and money is rolling in, it is important to be frugal whenever and wherever you can.  Actually put your budget in writing, and revisit it frequently to see where changes need to be made so you can adjust accordingly based on your business’s evolving needs.
  • Cut down on the multitasking.  It’s inevitable that there has to be some level of multitasking involved in being a small business owner. However, don’t make it the norm.  Start and finish one task at a time to prevent you from losing your train of thought and forgetting important details.  Practice the self-discipline it takes to complete one task at a time and do it well.
  • Seek help, advice, and education.  Identify some industry experts and read their materials, take their workshops, subscribe to their blogs, etc.  There are countless successful entrepreneurs who have come before you; use their experiences to continually learn about how to run and grow your business.
  • Have a positive outlook; expect challenges.  Of course, you want to maintain a positive attitude about your business.  That is why you should always challenge yourself to be the best that you can be, but at the same time, be prepare for the challenges that may arise.  For example, before sinking every last dime into that new marketing plan, figure out what you would do if it falls flat. Being financially and emotionally prepared will help you move past any setbacks.
  • Get involved in the community.  Connecting with other businesses and organizations within your community is extremely beneficial.  It shows that you are vested in the best interests of the community and that you have something valuable to contribute.  Furthermore, it is a great way to network and meet the very people you hope to do business with.  Get in touch with your local chamber of commerce for ideas about how to get involved and who to contact.

How many have you implemented?  What other common sense business tips do you think need to be added to our list?  Please share your ideas below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!