All posts tagged home business

Seven Ways to Energize Your Business

Seven Ways to Energize Your Business

atargetWhen you have been doing something for a long time, it’s easy to become stuck in a rut. Routine is comforting, but it also has its downside. Sticking with the same routine for too long can cause you to become complacent and stop you from seeking continual improvement. In times like these, it is important to energize your business. Review the list below to find ways to refocus your efforts and keep your business on the path to success.

  • Establish priorities. There are likely many projects you’d like to tackle or new policies/products/protocols you’d like to implement. Getting started can be an overwhelming endeavor because it can be difficult to know where to begin. Establish your priorities by making a comprehensive list of everything you would ideally like to accomplish. Once the list is complete, choose one or two things that you can get started on right away. Choose wisely; what can be of most benefit to your business immediately? Prioritizing a list like this takes the stress off and allows you to focus on one thing at a time with the comfort of knowing where you will go from here.
  • Be as efficient as possible. For example, if you are in the midst of a project and have to stop to email a colleague for more information in order to continue, don’t waste the time you have waiting for the response. It’s tempting to take those few minutes to browse your Twitter feed or whittle the time away on Pinterest. Instead of giving into distractions, keep a running list of other tasks that you can work on. Is there a prospect that you could follow up with? A filing cabinet that could use some organizing? Although it is important to work in some down time, it is just as imperative that you maximize your time by working efficiently.
  • Combine your work with different areas of your life. This isn’t always possible, but when it is, build your life around your work. If there is a weekend-long industry convention you’d like to attend, consider making it a long weekend and taking your family with you. This way, you can attend the workshops and get in some networking. Once your work is finished, you have a day or two to enjoy the area with your family. When you can do this, you are less likely to feel pulled away from your home life by work and vice versa.
  • Actively manage your time and stop wasting it. For some, this comes easily. For others, it’s a constant struggle. If necessary, make a daily or weekly agenda for yourself. Expect to not be able to stick to every scheduled minute, but with a basic outline of how you want to spend your time, you’ll be better able to stay on track.
  • Commit to learning new things. Professional development is an investment of both money and time into your business. Without continuing your learning, you are missing out on what could be valuable tools to run your business successfully. It doesn’t always have to be a formal workshop or convention either; commit to listening to an industry expert’s audio book once a month or reading some small business blogs once or twice a week. Always be on the lookout for new learning opportunities. These will keep your ideas fresh and your business moving forward.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff. There are going to be many bumps in the road, but learn how to cope with minor inconveniences in a different way from how you cope with major setbacks. The more you let the small things roll off your back, the easier it will be for you to handle major decisions and more important stressors.
  • Laugh more. Hopefully, you enjoy what you do. Take the time to be grateful for what you have built, enjoy the people you do business with, and laugh when something is funny! Finding the humor in everyday life makes for a happier person.

How have you gotten yourself out of a rut and energized your business? Please share your ideas below!

Three Networking Mistakes

Three Networking Mistakes

Woman Talking During Job InterviewSuccessful networking is a necessary part of growing your business and taking it to the next level.  Doing so requires a certain amount of social grace, including the ability to engage people in conversation and making them feel comfortable. 

Avoid these three common mistakes when networking and stand out among the crowd in a positive way.

  • Focus on building relationships. This will allow for long-term planning. Even if this contact can’t help you in your endeavor right now, the opportunity may arise in the future for this person to offer something of value to your business. Give something of yourself when establishing professional relationships. For example, a dance studio owner/dance teacher looking to expand her clientele by offering classes for children under 5 years old holds an open house for prospective students and their parents. When speaking with some of the parents individually, she asks each one why they would like to start the child in a dance class and offers a free demo class as well as a discounted private lesson for those interested in joining her studio. The parents recognize that the teacher is giving her time and expertise so they may have a risk-free trial before committing to a year of classes. This also allows the teacher to get to know her future students and show the parents that she truly cares about their early dance education.
  • Don’t play the role of counselor; keep the conversation social and friendly. An initial introduction is not the time to offer unsolicited advice on the topic at hand. Make sure the conversation centers around common interests. The dance teacher shares her own stories about how she got started at a young age, which helps prospects relate to her on a more personal level. This is more effective than preaching her philosophy on why children should start their dance classes as soon as possible. A light-hearted conversational tone is best in networking situations.
  • Digging too deeply into people’s lives makes them uncomfortable. Although you do want to build a relationship and find out a bit more about the person, be careful not to pry into their personal lives. One mother of twins attending a demo gymnastics class with her children finds herself being asked by total strangers if she used fertility treatments to conceive. A seemingly innocent question made in social conversation is actually quite personal. Don’t make the same mistake. Let the other person guide you in how much they are willing to share, but err on the side of caution when asking personal questions.

Just like many other aspects of your business, networking takes practice. The more you do it, the better you become. You can’t avoid making some mistakes; that is to be expected. However, by steering clear of certain downfalls, you can more quickly get on the road to networking success.

What advice would you give for successful networking? Please share your comments below!

DSEF & BBB: Tips for Securing Your Mobile Device

DSEF & BBB: Tips for Securing Your Mobile Device

blue_with_website-225x30022By Amy Fowler

Better Business Bureau is urging consumers to take steps to secure their mobile devices in order to protect themselves from identity theft and malware.

According to a survey released by The Pew Research Center in January, almost half of all American adults now own smartphones. The same survey found that 17 percent of all consumers use their mobile device as their primary means of accessing the internet.

Smartphones can be a treasure trove for hackers. Through apps and mobile browsers, people store personal information like passwords, bank account information and credit card numbers in addition to their contacts and other information.

However, a survey conducted in part by the National Cyber Security Alliance, found that more than one quarter of cell phone users are not aware of common security threats to smartphones and more than half do not know enough about mobile phone security to decide whether or not they need it.

BBB urges consumers to remember that a smart phone is no different than a desktop or laptop computer, in that it is vulnerable to the same hackers, malware, spyware and viruses.

Here are a few practical tips from BBB to secure your mobile devices:

  • Lock your phone. If your phone is lost or stolen, your personal information is at risk. Add a security code to your phone to prevent thieves from accessing your data. Then set your device to lock automatically when not in use for  a specified time.
  • Update your operating system. Those alerts on your smart phone that tell you to update your apps and operating system are more than just a minor annoyance. These updates close security loopholes and other backdoors hackers can use to access your phone without your knowledge.
  • Beware of unknown apps and links. Do not download any apps or click on links in your email or social media pages without first researching their source. They may contain viruses, malware or spyware that can compromise your personal data.
  • Avoid unsecured Wi-Fi. If you choose to connect to an unsecured or public Wi-Fi network, do not enter any passwords or access any personal data. Bad guys can use such networks as an easy means to hack your device.
  • Turn off Bluetooth. Bluetooth creates a wireless connection between your phone and other devices or phones. If you are not actively using an enabled device, such as a headset, make sure your Bluetooth is turned off.
  • Check your permissions. Check all of your apps to see what data they are accessing and revoke permissions for information those apps don’t need to properly operate. Check your phone’s owner’s manual or contact your wireless provider for directions on how to do so.
  • Report missing devices. If your phone is lost or stolen, immediately report it to your wireless carrier and have the device disabled.
  • Back up your data. Make sure you have a backup of all the apps and information — especially important photos or other irreplaceable items — stored on your phone in case it’s lost, stolen, hacked or damaged.
  • Pay close attention to your phone bills. Unanticipated, sudden increases in data usage can indicate a problem. In addition, third-party content providers sometimes add erroneous charges to bills for apps or services the consumer never authorized. In addition, keep an eye out for strange texts and disrupted service. They can be red flags that indicate your phone has been hacked.
  • Erase old phones completely. If you’re selling, donating or recycling your old phone, ensure all your data is completely erased and the phone is returned to factory settings before letting it out of your possession. There are online tutorials to teach you how to do this, or your wireless provider can walk you through the steps.
  • Shop with caution. When shopping online with your mobile device, take the same precautions you would with a desktop or laptop. Look for the “s” in the “https://” in the address bar and research sites at before providing any personal information or credit card numbers.
  • Consider mobile security. Many sources offer antivirus or other security apps for your phone. Research them thoroughly before choosing which is right for you.

DSEF and the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) foster honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers—instilling consumer confidence and advancing a trustworthy marketplace for all.

About the Better Business Bureaus
As the leader in advancing marketplace trust, Better Business Bureau is an unbiased non-profit organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Every year, more than 87 million consumers rely on BBB Business Reviews® and BBB Wise Giving Reports® to help them find trustworthy businesses and charities across North America. Visit for more information.

Tips for Starting a Successful Business

Tips for Starting a Successful Business

Tips for Starting a Successful Business from http://dsef.orgStarting (or re-starting) a business can be challenging. It takes time and persistence to build the momentum that leads to success. Since our Facebook community is full of inspiring business owners, we reached out and asked them to share their best piece of advice for someone starting a business. Here is some of the advice they shared:

  • Just Start: April Gust-Yohanek of Wisconsin says, “Just get started, nothing needs to be perfect, you can perfect it along the way!” This is great advice. Often a new business owner gets so bogged down in the details of starting a new business that the business never gets off the ground. Remember to stay focused on the goal and take steps every day to improve. But start! It’s the most important step you can take.
  • Be Persistent: Jen LaCour of Texas offers sage advice when she says, “The beginning is always the hardest! Be persistent, consistent, and step out of your comfort zone every single day – you’ll grow so much faster!” Some days will be harder than others…it’s all part of growing a business. And sometimes you’ll need to adapt. As Tony Madalone of Ohio suggests, “Implement then adapt. and be persistent.” When you work through the challenges and keep at it, you’ll be much more likely to succeed.
  • Be Passionate: Many of our commenters emphasized the importance of passion when it comes to building a business. Isaac Chubb talks about being “passionate about your why.” Know why it is you want your business to succeed. You should also be passionate about your products. As Dawn Kopac of Wisconsin says, “Be passionate about what you are selling or presenting to people,” and Rose Hernandez of California advises, “love and believe in what you are doing.” Finally, Jacquie McConnell of Texas sums it up well: “Find that…business that captures your passion and it will never be work!”
  • Love Your Products: The importance of loving the products you sell can’t be overemphasized when you’re considering starting a business. As Lynn Brooks of Virginia says, “use, like and believe in your product!” And Melissa Pellerin of Edmonton, Alberta suggests a researched-based approach: “Do your research and know the product your going to be promoting. Choose something you can be passionate about.” Ah, there’s that passion again! Loving your product leads to passion about your business.
  • Learn Constantly: Finally, it’s important to make professional development a priority. Constant learning leads to continual growth. As Carol Petersen Saso of Colorado recommends: “Be a sponge – absorbing all the training available from your company. Be willing to put in the time required to build a business and remember it’s always too soon to quit!” Great advice indeed!

Many thanks to our Facebook community for sharing their great advice! (If you haven’t liked our Page yet, please do!) What tips would you add for a new business owner? We’d love to read your advice in the comments below.

Getting Your Best Customers to Promote Your Business

Getting Your Best Customers to Promote Your Business

Getting Your Best Customers to Promote Your BusinessPromoting your business is a continuous job that often requires a great deal of creative energy, time, and money. However, it is important to keep in mind that you have a wonderful resource in your clientele; your clients can not only promote your business for free, but their stories are often more meaningful and effective than any marketing strategy or sales incentive. The following is a list of ways to get your best customers to promote your business.

  • Create excellent products/services your customers need. Without this basic tenet of sound business practice, any of your efforts to promote your business via customers will be meaningless. You should strive for the utmost quality in your products and services, as well as in your customers’ experience patronizing your business. This will lay the foundation for satisfied clients who want to spread the word about your business to anyone who will listen. Would you recommend to a friend a restaurant whose food and service was not up to par? Of course not! But if you had eaten one of the most delicious meals imaginable and your server was attentive, you’d be telling everyone you know to eat there as soon as possible.
  • Give clients what they want so they get excited about sharing their experiences with others. Once you’ve made sure you have quality products and excellent customer service, the next step is to find out what clients want that you may be lacking. When you can deliver on a customer demand, your chances of customer promotion are even greater. For example, listen carefully and take to heart when a customer asks you a question such as, “Do you carry a cleaning kit made specifically for this camera?” or “Where can I buy the conditioner you used on my hair? I love the way it smells!” When customers can get all their needs met while having a great experience, they will want to share that with others.
  • Seek out a loyal customer with a good story to tell who is eager to share it with his or her network of friends. As happy as many customers may be with your products and how you conduct your business, most of the time, they won’t exactly volunteer to become informal spokespeople. Take the initiative to find a customer you know has a good story to share about his or her experience with your business. Ask the person to share the story with friends and family. If you’ve picked the right person, he or she will be happy to do so.
  • Look for genuine stories that customers want to share; do not pay for testimonials. Paid testimonials are less meaningful to potential clients than authentic ones. Think about how many times you’ve read customer reviews on sites like Amazon or Yelp that have influenced your decision to buy a certain product or use a certain company. If you knew some of these reviews were paid for instead of written genuinely and voluntarily, it would most likely change your decision. Besides, if you are doing all the right things to satisfy your clients’ needs, you won’t need to pay for customer promotion anyway.

Don’t let your customer base remain an untapped resource. Authentic stories from satisfied and eager customers are more valuable than any paid advertisement. Strive for excellence so your customers will want to share these stories.

How do you get your customers to promote your business? Please share your comments below!

Time for a Small Business Check-Up

Time for a Small Business Check-Up

Woman Writing on Pad of PaperWhen was the last time you performed a check-up on your business? It’s an important practice. Think of it like maintenance on your car: every three months or 3,000 miles, you change the oil, rotate the tires, and possibly top off the fluids and check the engine. Doing so will help you identify and correct small problems, in order to keep your car running smoothly for years to come. The same goes for your business. By regularly scheduling a review of your business activities, you can make sure you focus on the things that are helping your business grow, while correcting things that would hold you back.

When performing your small business check-up, here are some of the elements on which you should focus:

  • Review your finances, looking for ways to reduce expenses and maximize profits. For example, you’ve been purchasing your office supplies from the same distributor for many years. Do some research to make sure you’re still getting the best price. Furthermore, reduce expenses by eliminating non-essentials. Take note of what you use on an everyday basis for about a week to figure out where you might be able to cut back.
  • Use a third party to help you objectively assess risks and weaknesses. For any risks you have recently taken or are thinking of taking, seek a third party’s perspective. They may be able to help you catch a detail you have missed. For example, one local children’s boutique owner is thinking about changing locations to gain more space for her expanding product line. She asked the opinion of a friend who lives in the area of the prospective location, who quickly informed her that although the location gets a good amount of foot traffic, most of the clientele is not her target market. This is a valuable piece of information that could have a make or break effect on the business.
  • Consider each of your business processes from start to end. What happens from the time a customer enters your business for the first time to the moment he or she leaves? Is the person greeted cordially, offered assistance and given it accordingly, served promptly, and treated with respect? Customer service is a major aspect of your business and its process deserves frequent review and improvement. Give the same attention to each of your processes when conducting your business check-up.
  • Review your overall strategy and make necessary adjustments. Is your strategy to reach the widest customer base possible? Do you strive to carve out a niche market and cater to a specific few? Whatever strategy you have laid out for the success of your business needs careful and frequent review. Create a list of what is working and what isn’t. Make adjustments where they are needed, and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback and help.

The long-term success of your business will only happen if you tend to the details on a regular basis. Some areas may need more attention than others, but reviewing these aspects often will help you avoid potential setbacks, and focus on the growth of your business.

How do you check up on your business? Please share your ideas below!

DSEF & BBB: Will You Have to Pay a 4% Surcharge for Using a Credit Card?

DSEF & BBB: Will You Have to Pay a 4% Surcharge for Using a Credit Card?

By Caitlin Vancasblue_with_website-225x30022

Did you know that every time you make a credit card purchase, the store you are buying from pays a fee to the credit card company? Did you also know that as of this week, PA merchants are able to pass along up to 4% of these credit card interchange fees to customers?

All but ten states (CA, CO, CT, FL, KS, ME, MA, NY, OK, TX) are allowing merchants the option to incur these new surcharges. Luckily, if a business does decide to add a check-out fee for credit card users, it must be clearly posted near the door of a physical store location or on the website for web transactions. Customer receipts must also clearly state any additional costs to consumers using a credit card. Purchases made by debit and pre-paid cards will not be impacted.

According to the National Retail Federation, merchants are unlikely to begin surcharging for credit card use. What do you think? Your BBB recommends asking stores you frequent about any additional costs that may be incurred if you pay using a credit card. If a merchant does not follow the rules about alerting consumers to these fees in their store or website, notify BBB and the FTC. Click the links for more information about the surcharge on Visa and MasterCard’s websites.

DSEF and the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) foster honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers—instilling consumer confidence and advancing a trustworthy marketplace for all.

About the Better Business Bureaus
As the leader in advancing marketplace trust, Better Business Bureau is an unbiased non-profit organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Every year, more than 87 million consumers rely on BBB Business Reviews® and BBB Wise Giving Reports® to help them find trustworthy businesses and charities across North America. Visit for more information.

How to Handle Criticism of Your Business

How to Handle Criticism of Your Business

How to Deal with Criticism of Your Business from http://dsef.orgWouldn’t it be great if everyone was as excited and positive about your business as you are?

Unfortunately, every business owner eventually encounters critics…people who only have negative things to say about you or your business. Sometimes these comments come from complete strangers, but sometimes they come from those who are closest to you. And it can be discouraging! Fortunately, you are not the first (and far from the last!) to deal with critics as an entrepreneur, and there is lots of wisdom to be gained from those who have “been there, done that.”

We asked our community on our Facebook Page to share some of their experiences. Here is some of the great advice they shared:

  • Find misconceptions, and share the facts. Howard Fidler from Minnesota writes: “Find out what their objection is and then give them facts to overcome it,” and Marcia Flach from Texas suggests: “Ask them questions!” This is always a great strategy. By asking specific questions you can uncover the reason for the criticism. It may be that the person you’re talking to misunderstands some aspect of your business or is making certain incorrect assumptions. By providing facts that counter the misconception, you can overcome the objection and possibly create a new customer or business partner. 
  • Respect differences of opinion. Occasionally, you and the critic may just disagree on certain points. And that’s OK too. Respect their right to disagree with you, and leave things on a friendly note. You never know when, down the line, someone may have a change of heart. If you’ve left the door open and friendly, they may eventually come back to you! As Mark Arsenault from California says, “Be pleasant, then go achieve massive success!”
  • Know when to move on. Sometimes you need to realize that no matter what you say, someone doesn’t want to hear your side. And that’s OK. There are plenty of other people who will be open to learning more about your business. As both Robyn Mohs from Montana and Christina Ortiz from Texas shared…”Next!”
  • Refuse to dwell on negativity. Sometimes, even after the critic has stopped talking, we continue to think about what he or she said, running it over and over in our minds. And too much of this can stop you in your tracks. Don’t let it keep you from focusing on your own success. John Taylor advises: “Move on. Life is too short to deal with Negativity!!!!”

Finally, we leave you with these wise words from Kelley Michelle Barnett of Texas: “I was told to accept the word no, put a smile on and deal with it because when you least expect it you will get a yes and straight up positive.” Good advice indeed!

How do you deal with people who criticize your business? We’d love to read your advice in the comments below!

Being Opportunity Minded

Being Opportunity Minded

Low angle view of two business executives shaking handsA successful entrepreneur has many characteristics: ambition, good work ethic, and strong leadership skills to name just a few. One often overlooked quality, however, is always being on the lookout for opportunity. Whether things are going well or could use improvement, by looking at situations as possible opportunities, you’re paving the way for further learning experiences and long-term success.

Here are some ways to keep yourself open to opportunity:

  • Focus not just on working harder, but working smarter. If you find yourself putting in endless hours but you’re still not able to stay on top of your responsibilities, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate how you’re spending your time. Maximize efficiency by eliminating distractions, prioritizing responsibilities, staying organized, and being proactive. For more on this, see: Balance Without Sacrificing Business (How to Make Your Business More Efficient)
  • Consider “no” as “not yet.” The reality is that you are going to hear that dreaded word, “no,” over and over again. The key is to not let it discourage you. Instead of interpreting it as “no,” think of it as, “not yet.” This will keep you from prematurely closing the door on a potential opportunity. Although “no” sometimes really does mean “no,” keeping your mind open to the possibility that a “yes” may happen eventually will ensure you don’t miss out on a future opportunity.
  • Have a long term outlook for your business. Where do you see your business in five years? Ten? Creating a long term plan for your business gives you direction and allows you to continue moving forward. Competition increases, technology evolves, and customers’ needs change. Always stay on top of current business and industry trends so that you aren’t left behind.
  • Network and explore new social groups. Networking should be a constant in your business. Look to expand your network not only at formal events like industry conventions, but also within your community among people you meet and people you already know. Consider stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring new social groups. Join a book club or volunteer at the local hospital. You’ll find that you are not only meeting new people, but enjoying yourself at the same time.
  • Establish and maintain a great reputation. Strive for excellence in all areas to establish a stellar reputation. Once you have done so, make it clear to your staff that maintaining your reputation is a top priority. Unfortunately, all it takes is one incident to cast doubt on your abilities and tarnish your good name. Practice integrity and consideration for others in all you do. Your reputation will speak for itself and open doors to new and exciting opportunities, such as professional partnerships and word-of-mouth referrals.

Adopting a positive attitude and being on the lookout for opportunity will increase your chances of professional success. Seek help when you need it and help others as well.

How do you keep your mind open to opportunities? Please share your thoughts below!

DSEF & BBB: Facebook Graph Search: The Good, The Bad & The Opportunity

DSEF & BBB: Facebook Graph Search: The Good, The Bad & The Opportunity


By Rachel Harner

Facebook graph search. Have you heard of it? Probably, but do you know what it is? Facebook graph search is a new feature, in an ever-growing list of Facebook changes, which rolled out to a select few last week. According to Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, graph search will join News Feed and Timeline as the third pillar in the Facebook structure.

Where a typical search engine would give you a list of links relevant to your query, graph search delivers people, pages and photos already available on Facebook to your fingertips. To maximize results, you’ll want to customize your search using language Facebook understands, such as “friends who work at my company and like to ski.”

Here are a couple practical examples: Are you new to the area and experiencing back pain? Search: Chiropractors in Phoenix my friends like. Are you planning a trip across the pond and want some tips on local hotspots? Search: Friends who have been to London, England.

While innovative, graph search has raised privacy concerns. Many of us probably do not think about the consequence of our actions when liking a page or filling out the “About” section of our profile, but that information will now be searchable in a myriad of ways. If you are looking to keep your information private, triple check your privacy settings now that anything set to “public” will be even easier for others to find. And remember, if you don’t want people to know about it, don’t put it on social media. (Click here for an informative article by the Electronic Frontier Foundation that will help you keep your information private.)

On the other hand, graph search could provide huge advantages for businesses and marketers currently on Facebook. Engaging with customers on social media is a great business practice, and now companies will have more opportunity to get brand content in front of consumers who are intentionally looking for someone in their area of expertise. Graph search will also allow businesses to form well thought out searches to reach targeted demographics.

Do you want to be among the first of Facebook’s billion+ users to get Facebook graph search? Click here to be placed on the waiting list for the beta version.

DSEF and the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) foster honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers—instilling consumer confidence and advancing a trustworthy marketplace for all.

About the Better Business Bureaus
As the leader in advancing marketplace trust, Better Business Bureau is an unbiased non-profit organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Every year, more than 87 million consumers rely on BBB Business Reviews® and BBB Wise Giving Reports® to help them find trustworthy businesses and charities across North America. Visit for more information.