All posts tagged marketing

DSEF & Money Wise Women: Become a Sought After Speaker to Grow Your List, Attract Clients & Make Your Biz THRIVE!

DSEF & Money Wise Women: Become a Sought After Speaker to Grow Your List, Attract Clients & Make Your Biz THRIVE!

Today’s highlighted post from Money Wi$e Women Get Smart Teleseminar Series:

Become a Sought After Speaker to Grow Your List, Attract Clients, and Make Your Business THRIVE!

Would you like to walk out of your house in the morning, go to a place where you know no one and come home with clients in the afternoon? If so this info. packed session is for you. You will learn: All the reasons why public speaking is the best business building strategy, how to get started to position yourself as a speaker and get booked, what to do before during and after your presentation to come home with clients.

DSEF proudly sponsors the free Money Wi$e Women Get Smart Teleseminar Series hosted by Marcia Brixey, Founder and President of Money Wise Women Educational Services and author ofThe Money Therapist: A Woman’s Guide to Creating a Healthy Financial Life. The series covers topics related to business and finances and provides women the opportunity to learn from professional experts in a safe, comfortable environment.

To find out about upcoming teleseminars, visit

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for your Business

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for your Business

Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions for your Business

Another year is almost through, and just like most of us make resolutions for our personal lives, it is also a smart idea to make some for your business as well.  So before your pop open that champagne and watch the ball drop in Times Square, consider making a few changes to boost your business in 2015.

  1. Improve your time management.  Take an inventory of what your typical day looks like.  What areas lack efficiency? What duties can be multitasked to save time?  Perhaps your daily to-do list is too long.  Prioritize aggressively to get a handle on how much can actually be accomplished in any given day.
  2. Give back to your community.  Remember that your business is part of a community.  Giving back has an endless list of mutual benefits for everyone involved.  Make a point to find one or two local organizations with which to involve yourself this year.  You can find some good ideas here.
  3. Learn something new.  Even if you’ve been in business for decades, there are always new, exciting, affordable, and convenient opportunities to further your business education.  Consider taking a mini-course at the local community college or participating in a webinar hosted by others in your industry.
  4. Get organized.  Whether you’re dealing with actual papers in a filing cabinet or electronic files on your hard drive, organization is essential to productivity.  Now is a good time to set aside any documents you might need for tax purposes, as April 15 will sneak up on you in no time.  Maybe your customer records need updating, your finance software is inefficient, or your desk is buried in paperwork.  Focus on one aspect and bring order to it so you can start fresh in the New Year.
  5. Predict your financial future.  The end of the calendar year is an opportune time to look back on your overhead and sales volume.  Using this information, plan ahead for the coming months so you don’t spend money needlessly and you do make the most out of your current investments.
  6. Set realistic goals.  A goal that is realistic is one that is both specific and attainable.  It’s okay to think big and challenge yourself, but create benchmarks so you have a path to get there.  For example, if you want to increase profits by 50% next year, what has to be done each week and each month to make that happen?  Answers to those questions will guide you in setting your objectives.
  7. Update your website.  Do some exploratory surgery on your website, searching for things like broken or outdated links, unnecessary flash content, and information about discontinued products.  Even a cosmetic reboot may be just what your business needs to start anew in making the best use of your website.  While you’re at it, consider creating or updating your social media presence such as networking sites and blogs.
  8. Back up your files.  In addition to manually backing up files onto a CD/DVD or flash drive, most internet service providers and antivirus software companies offer free or inexpensive online storage services.  Take advantage of these because all it takes is one accident to erase years of data and hard work.  It’s simply not worth the risk.
  9. Ramp up your customer service.  In what areas is your customer care lacking?  Do you procrastinate in making courtesy or follow-up calls?  How long does the average customer usually have to wait before they get a return call or email after making an inquiry?  Make customer service a frequent flier on that to-do list of yours.
  10. Celebrate your accomplishments.  Every once in awhile, it’s important to evaluate what you have done well and give yourself a pat on the back.  As a business owner, you are ultimately the one responsible for every outcome, good and bad.  When you reach a goal or solve a problem, reward yourself by going out to your favorite restaurant or simply taking a much-needed day off.  You will feel re-energized and motivated to forge ahead and tackle the next project or obstacle.

What resolutions have you made for your business?  Please leave a comment below and have a happy, prosperous New Year!

What Small Business Can Learn From a Kid’s Lemonade Stand

What Small Business Can Learn From a Kid’s Lemonade Stand

What Small Business Can Learn From a Kid’s Lemonade Stand

The basics behind a successful lemonade stand don’t require a rocket scientist to figure out: buy cups, make lemonade, paint a few signs, sell more than it cost to make, and voila! A 7-year-old entrepreneur is turning a profit in no time.  Surely, the adult business venture isn’t that simple, but remembering the basics of running a business like the tried and true lemonade stand is an important requirement for success.

  • Focus on your local market.  Decide what exactly your local customers’ needs are, and cater to those first.  If you were running a lemonade stand you would need to consider the demographic when deciding when to conduct your business.  For the parents and kids coming home in the early afternoon from a morning baseball practice or beach outing, marketing your stand for a lunch rush would make perfect sense.  For the working parents who just finished a long commute from the office, an additional set of early evening hours would be beneficial as well.
  • Know when to adjust.  Even if your business is pulling in profits, it is important to know when it is appropriate to invest more money and when to pull back.  After a lucrative summer and early fall lemonade stand season, it would probably be ill-advised to buy more supplies for a larger lemonade output just as the colder weather moves in.  The demand will be much lower, which will make it more difficult to turn a profit.  A smart idea would be to hold off until the warmer weather returns.  Does your business have a slower time of the year, month, or week?  Use your busier times to prepare for lags and don’t sink money into it when you’re unlikely to see a return anytime soon.
  • Be an aggressive advertiser.  Budding entrepreneurs don’t simply wait for cars to drive by their stands.  They can be seen with their friends and parents on street corners throughout the whole neighborhood holding large, colorful signs and loudly announcing their businesses as their neighbors drive past.  Furthermore, 21st century kids are using their social media presence to generate customers.  Take a lesson from their spirited advertising and get your name and face out there.  And just like those kids standing on street corners, don’t be afraid to enlist the help of friends and family to put in a good word about you in their own circles.
  • Offer exceptional customer service.  Have you ever stopped at a kid’s lemonade stand?  Those adorable faces, those winning smiles, and those polite “Thank you’s” and “Come again soon’s” are enough to make anyone a repeat customer.  Make your customers feel special and important by showing them that you truly appreciate them patronizing your business.  Outstanding customer service goes a long way through word of mouth that will bring you repeat business and new clients alike.
  • Sell a high-quality product.  For as much time and effort as setting up a lemonade stand can be for a child, it would all be for naught if he or she just put some powder mix in a pitcher of water and called it a day.  Many successful children have a special, and often secret, recipe that they work hard to perfect for their business.  You should be doing the same for your product or service.  Consider what your competitors are offering, and make sure yours is a step above the rest.  This will make your business stand out and turn potential customers into frequent ones.

Did you have a lemonade stand or other business venture as a kid?  What did you learn from it that you still use in your business today?  We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!


5 Easy Ways You Can Give During the Holidays and Build your Business

5 Easy Ways You Can Give During the Holidays and Build your Business

5 Easy Ways You Can Give During the Holidays and Build your Business

During this season of giving, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping for loved ones, preparing for holiday parties, and decorating our homes and places of business.  However, we all know the importance of giving back to those in need.  This holiday season, you can include charity into your business; you’ll be doing a good deed, but at the same time, you will be able to grow your business.

  • Help out local food banks. – Food banks are always in need of volunteers.  One way to help is to offer to pick up food door to door in your neighborhood and deliver it to the food bank.  At each pickup, leave a business card or flyer with a promotion to donate a percentage of your proceeds to the food bank.  However, be sure and ask for permission from the food bank or any charity you work with to leave your business card or other promotional item.  Those who are kind enough to be donating food will welcome the opportunity to continue giving back while doing their holiday shopping.
  • Donate products or services. – You don’t have to contribute cash to a local charity in order to have an impact on the community.  Instead, you can offer pro-bono services to help those in need.  Many school parent-teacher organizations sponsor tricky trays (chance auctions) to raise money for the band trip, new sports uniforms, or classroom technology equipment.  Consider putting together a gift basket for the event that includes information about your business. Gifts donated can be anything from jewelry and cooking supplies to yoga classes and spa days.  Your business will get some free advertising, and because you are actively benefiting the community, you may find yourself with a whole new customer base as well.
  • Host a family-oriented event. – Keeping in mind the needs of your customers, it isn’t difficult to plan an event that welcomes young families into your place of business.  How about a morning with Santa Claus?  Your customers bring their children in to meet Santa, get a free picture with him, and have some complimentary milk and cookies.  This is a hospitable way to usher in the holiday season, meet and greet your customers, and give your business a boost for the New Year.
  • Support veterans’ families. – Put together a thoughtful care package filled with your products or vouchers for services to send to local families of veterans or active military.  Include your business card and incentives for them to try your other products.  Not only will you be supporting our troops, but you may even tap into a whole new customer base.
  • Take advantage of community service opportunities. – Most churches and other nonprofit organizations perform regular community service.  By joining these types of organizations, you can make giving back a regular part of your business model.  Additionally, (again with the permission of the organization), you can leave your card and promotions to try the products or services your business offers.  This is also a suitable way to initiate contacts within the community that will allow you to continue your charitable efforts.

By giving back during the holiday season, you not only do your part in helping those in need, but you also encourage loyalty among your customers by showing that you have a vested interest in the community.  In these tough economic times, many people are looking for affordable ways to support their local business owners and would welcome such opportunities, especially as they prepare for holiday celebrations.

What are some ways your local businesses have given back during this holiday season?  Please share your comments with us below!

Are You a Spammer? Tips to Better Email Marketing

Are You a Spammer? Tips to Better Email Marketing

Are you a spammer?

We all hate spammers. But what’s worse is having your friends and family think you’re a spammer. So, before you get caught up in all the excitement of your new business and the great idea of sending out a mass email to everyone you know about your new business, Stop! Ask yourself: “Is this spam?”

What spammers do:

  • Send emails to people they don’t know and/or don’t know well
  • Send emails to people who have not asked for the information
  • Send emails to lists of people (unless those people signed up for the list or have already done business with you)
  • Send emails with misleading content and subject lines
  • Send emails with no unsubscribe information

Here are ways to avoid being a spammer:

  • Send emails to subscribers only
  • Send emails one to one
  • Send emails with a working unsubscribe button/link
  • Send emails with truthful and appropriate content

Tips for better email marketing:

  1. Emails connected to current events and popular themes get better responses
  2. Use Facebook and Twitter to find subscribers
  3. Make sure that your emails are relevant to your prospects
  4. Offer promotions for becoming a subscriber
  5. Maximize your email message for mobile devices

If you find yourself in the awkward position of being known as a spammer by some, you should apologize to them. Having a successful business involves risk taking and sometimes an idea can misfire. When that happens you have to come clean, apologize, fix the problem and learn from your mistake.

Have you used email marketing? How did you respond to a mistake you made in business? We would love to hear from you in the comments.

Image credit: pandemia

Using Honesty to Build Your Business

Using Honesty to Build Your Business

”Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist.” ~Mary Kay Ash

Mary Kay Ash was one of the greatest role models for business and business women and a trail blazer in the direct sales industry. If you want your business to succeed, want to attract people, keep their loyalty and create a raving fan base, then honesty is the key. Here’s how honesty can build your business:

  • Your honest story – People will support your business if they feel a connection with you. This is a great opportunity to share how, what, where, when and why about your business. This creates an honest and authentic foundation for business growth.
  • Honest testimonials – Honest testimonials are like gigantic walking billboards for your business. Creating genuine audio and visual testimonials are more powerful than any paid marketing or commercial.
  • Honest references – Ask people who know you to mention and share your ethical qualities. People will seek out your business because they know they are dealing with an honest person.
  • Display a framed Honesty Policy – Boldly display your business commitment and customer service policy by the door or on your written materials. This will make you and your business memorable and generate positive word of mouth.
  • Create an honesty motto – For example: We are true to our customer’s needs. People will share your motto when talking about your business. This is a simple way for people to remember and share your business praise.

In our internet era, your reputation can spread virally very quickly for better or for worse. Setting honesty as your cornerstone will help grow your business strong and give it longevity.

How do you promote honesty in your business? Would love to read your ideas in the comments below.

Turn What You Love Into Income

Turn What You Love Into Income

Have you ever thought to yourself, “If I could only get paid to do what I love?”

Maybe you can. In fact, that’s how many entrepreneurs get started. But you don’t have to be an entrepreneur to want to make some extra spending money. The bonus is doing something that you love!

Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. If you have more than one idea, start by imagining them and pick the idea that brings the biggest smile to your face.
  2. Next, do some research:
    • Is there an obvious way to make income with what you love?
    • Talk to other people with the same interest and see if there’s a void that needs to be filled.
    • Take a look at what’s in the market now and ask yourself if you could that and/or do it better.
    • Talk to a diverse group of people about your income producing idea and ask if any of them would purchase something like that from you.
    • Ask yourself what’s the least expensive way to start that will still provide greater value to potential customers.
  3. Write down your goal or your mission statement. Include your specialty or uniqueness that only you can bring to this product/service. But keep it simple. For example – I will work part time and would like to generate $300. My uniqueness is to provide personalize service and offer customers buying my scented candles a chance to join my weekly Yoga club at my house.
  4. Consider your first 30 days a trial and error period, and be sure to fully commit yourself to doing whatever it takes to be successful. During this period assess how, where, why, who, what, when you can improve, and make sure you can earn a reasonable profit for your efforts.
  5. You may also want to create a simple business plan (optional for now). Include your goals, operational expenses, who your customers are, marketing strategy, and an overview of competitors.
  6. Nurture testimonials and word of mouth to attract new customers and grow.
  7. Keep asking your customers for their feedback and continue to improve and learn.

The key is to keep it simple. You want to share your passion, avoid wasting money, and earn some extra spending money. In the end, you want to still love what you do while you gain some financial benefits. You may be surprise to find yourself a budding entrepreneur, or you may simply want to keep a good thing going.

Do you love what you do? How did you get started with your business? Would love to read your thoughts in the comments below!

Impress For Success

Impress For Success

Remember that old shampoo commercial reminding us, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”?  As any direct seller knows, a first impression is crucial for attracting and retaining new customers.  In order to impress for success, focus on two components: your relationships with your customers and your own personal business style.

Relationships – The beauty of your business is the personal relationship you build with others. Here are some tips for nurturing it:

  • Tailor your services to fit your customer’s individual needs.  For example, that new mom with an infant at home? She would welcome free delivery!
  • Reach out to your customers regularly, not just to promote your product, but also for constructive feedback.  Even the most successful business owners have room for improvement!
  • Make it easy, fast, and convenient for customers to contact you for any reason.  Time is a precious thing, and you will certainly impress by making your business dealings simple and friendly.
  • Put yourself in the customer’s role.  Why would YOU buy from YOU?
  • Get to know your customers.  Treat them like friends instead of one of many potential purchases.
  • Follow up after a transaction is made.  Are they satisfied?  If not, how can you make it right?
  • Conduct business with integrity.  If something goes wrong, admit your mistake and correct it immediately.  Customers will appreciate your commitment to their satisfaction and keep coming back.

Personal style – Get to know your own personal strengths and incorporate them into your business.

  • Don’t be afraid to get creative.  Find your inner MacGyver; solve problems and market yourself in outside-the-box ways. After all, there’s only one you!
  • Plan ahead.  Set specific goals for how you can include new ideas into your daily business.
  • Dress to impress. When conducting business in person, you should always look the part.  By doing so, you will exude a confidence that appeals to others.  Go ahead and take pride in your appearance.
  • Smile!  It seems simple, but a positive impression starts with the expression on your face.  So brighten someone’s day with a warm smile that says you are happy to be interacting with them and you love what you do.

You started this business because you believe in your product or service.  When you show customers that you genuinely care, you leave them with a remarkable impression and put yourself on the path to success.

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Ethical Testimonials Help Build Your Brand and Your Business

Ethical Testimonials Help Build Your Brand and Your Business

Testimonials are one of the greatest marketing tools you have. Research tells us that people are a lot more likely to believe what others say about you than what you say about yourself. This is the reason that online shopping sites often have a place for customers to leave reviews about individual products (and why so many shoppers turn to them when making a decision about what to buy.) As a small business owner, you should be asking your loyal and enthusiastic customers for testimonials on a regular basis.

Yet it’s also important to be sure that your testimonials are accurate and ethical. This enables you to comply with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules regarding testimonials and endorsements, and also helps customers to trust you. After all, testimonials that go beyond the facts can damage your credibility, and lead to disappointed customers. And testimonials used in your marketing material that made health, income, or product claims beyond what you’re allowed to say legally can get you and your business into hot water.

So how do you get started using testimonials to promote your business? Here are some tips:

  1. When asking for testimonials, provide testimonial starters such as:
    • What I like best about (Your name/business) because__________________________________.
    • The product/service was great because (it was easy, fast) _______________________________.
    • Working with (Your name/business) was great because it was able to help me__________________.
    • I would recommend (Your name/business) because____________________________________.
  2. Use the complete testimonials whenever possible. This way you ensure that the customer’s intended message cannot be misunderstood.
  3. If you’ve got a parent company, get approval to use the testimonials that address product, income, or health claims. Usually your company has a legal department that can determine whether or not you can legally market your business using the claims in the testimonial. When in doubt, don’t use it!
  4. Use testimonials to overcome inherent objections in your business. If there are certain objections that you hear a lot, use a testimonial provided by a customer to address that concern. Print it in your marketing materials (with the customer’s permission, of course.)
  5. Use testimonials to make a point or promote your message. Rather than just lumping all your testimonials together, use them strategically throughout your marketing materials. For example, if you are talking about how quickly you deliver your products, use a testimonial of a customer raving about the speed of delivery. It’s like the exclamation point on your message.
  6. Asking for testimonials should be part of your sales process. Whenever you complete a transaction, make asking for a testimonial a part of your follow-up process. Once you’ve determined that the customer is satisfied, it’s a good time to say, “Would you be willing to provide me with a testimonial?”

Using testimonials that are accurate and stick to the facts can be a great marketing tool to help you build your business even bigger. How do you use testimonials to promote your business? Where do you put them? How do you ask for them? Would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

Tips for Keeping Your Clients Coming Back

Tips for Keeping Your Clients Coming Back

We all know it’s better and more cost effective to have a steady stream of returning customers than always being focused on finding new customers. So, how do we keep our customers coming back once the first sale is made? Think of the first transaction as the first date in a series of dates, which ultimately leads to a long and wonderful relationship. The way to keep customers coming back is to develop and nurture a relationship with them.

Here are some ideas to keep your new customer coming back, in order to establish a lasting relationship:

  1. Promote your strengths, best products/services and greatest value compared to competitors.
  2. Offer incentives/discounts for return customers.
  3. Develop a customer-based community online: create a Facebook page where customers can share ideas and communicate with others of like mind.
  4. Once you have a Facebook page, provide valuable and interesting information that can help your customers.
  5. Create trust: let your customers know that if they don’t like something you’ll fix it.
  6. Contribute to a cause in a way that involves your customers. For example, if you sell books, offer to collect old books to give to charity like your local library or women’s shelter, and in return your customer gets 15% off on their next purchase.
  7. Establish a loyal customer rewards program and make it feel like it’s personalized to each individual.
  8. Make the sales process easier, faster and better than your competitors.
  9. Establish a follow up process to check on your customer’s satisfaction and needs regularly.
  10. Offer free personal delivery service or shipping.
  11. Establish an online relationship with your customers and provide real-time customer service.
  12. Provide an easy and comfortable way for customers to provide feedback, and promote changes and improvements you’ve made based on the suggestions of your customers.
  13. Once in a while, surprise your best customers with a special gift and share what you’ve done with the world.
  14. Highlight loyal customers and promote their importance for the world to see (create positive buzz).
  15. Create a fun, interactive contest as part of your marketing.
  16. Provide memorable and excellent customer service and value consistently.
  17. Focus on making the customer feel special, respected, highly valued and like they are a dear friend.

The key is to focus your efforts on developing a relationship with your customers, offering excellence, value and unique service that only you can provide.

How do you keep your customers coming back? We love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.