All posts tagged motivation

How to Make Your Business More Fun

How to Make Your Business More Fun

How to Make Your Business More Fun from http://dsef.orgLet’s face it…we’re more likely to spend time on things we enjoy. And when you’re your own boss, a fun business is one that’s going to be something you look forward to working at daily.

Do you consider your business fun? Could you add some fun to your business? We turned to our very smart Facebook community of business owners (have you Liked us yet?) and asked them what advice they would give to someone that wanted to add more fun. Here’s what they shared:

  • Aim for excellence, not perfection. Often we stress ourselves out about our business because we’re so focused on trying to make everything perfect. But as Patricia Collette in Ontario advises, “Just relax and you don’t have to remember every detail about the business. Nobody will know if you forgot to tell them something or not .” And as Cimberly Melbye says, “Never take yourself too seriously.” Good advice.
  • Run fun campaigns that make people smile. Lisa Balthaser of Pennsylvania and Michelle Lersch of Florida both run contests that their customers love! And Lisa Hall-Wieser of Pennsylvania suggests, “Have theme parties like girls night in or a pajama party!” What fun!
  • Make sure you love what you have to offer. Tavia Stiegler of Maryland says, “You must be in a business that you personally LOVE the products or services. Otherwise it’ll be hard to be excited about what you’re doing.” If you don’t love what you offer and what it does for people, maybe it’s time to make a change.
  • Integrate your business into other activities you love. Dawn DeSario of Massachusetts advises, “When you love what you do, you will automatically have FUN!! Add more enjoyable activities into your work day..have more “coffee dates,” “lunch dates,” do some fun trainings, shop for some new fashionable business clothes while on the lookout for potential business. Shop for fashion jewelry, or have a “spa-day.” We need to look professional so have fun with it!! There is SO much to do to increase the FUN-Factor!!! Have Fun with that!!

We love these ideas, and they’re sure to make a business more fun! What would you add? How do you add fun to your business? We’d love to read your thoughts in the comments below!

Seven Ways to Energize Your Business

Seven Ways to Energize Your Business

atargetWhen you have been doing something for a long time, it’s easy to become stuck in a rut. Routine is comforting, but it also has its downside. Sticking with the same routine for too long can cause you to become complacent and stop you from seeking continual improvement. In times like these, it is important to energize your business. Review the list below to find ways to refocus your efforts and keep your business on the path to success.

  • Establish priorities. There are likely many projects you’d like to tackle or new policies/products/protocols you’d like to implement. Getting started can be an overwhelming endeavor because it can be difficult to know where to begin. Establish your priorities by making a comprehensive list of everything you would ideally like to accomplish. Once the list is complete, choose one or two things that you can get started on right away. Choose wisely; what can be of most benefit to your business immediately? Prioritizing a list like this takes the stress off and allows you to focus on one thing at a time with the comfort of knowing where you will go from here.
  • Be as efficient as possible. For example, if you are in the midst of a project and have to stop to email a colleague for more information in order to continue, don’t waste the time you have waiting for the response. It’s tempting to take those few minutes to browse your Twitter feed or whittle the time away on Pinterest. Instead of giving into distractions, keep a running list of other tasks that you can work on. Is there a prospect that you could follow up with? A filing cabinet that could use some organizing? Although it is important to work in some down time, it is just as imperative that you maximize your time by working efficiently.
  • Combine your work with different areas of your life. This isn’t always possible, but when it is, build your life around your work. If there is a weekend-long industry convention you’d like to attend, consider making it a long weekend and taking your family with you. This way, you can attend the workshops and get in some networking. Once your work is finished, you have a day or two to enjoy the area with your family. When you can do this, you are less likely to feel pulled away from your home life by work and vice versa.
  • Actively manage your time and stop wasting it. For some, this comes easily. For others, it’s a constant struggle. If necessary, make a daily or weekly agenda for yourself. Expect to not be able to stick to every scheduled minute, but with a basic outline of how you want to spend your time, you’ll be better able to stay on track.
  • Commit to learning new things. Professional development is an investment of both money and time into your business. Without continuing your learning, you are missing out on what could be valuable tools to run your business successfully. It doesn’t always have to be a formal workshop or convention either; commit to listening to an industry expert’s audio book once a month or reading some small business blogs once or twice a week. Always be on the lookout for new learning opportunities. These will keep your ideas fresh and your business moving forward.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff. There are going to be many bumps in the road, but learn how to cope with minor inconveniences in a different way from how you cope with major setbacks. The more you let the small things roll off your back, the easier it will be for you to handle major decisions and more important stressors.
  • Laugh more. Hopefully, you enjoy what you do. Take the time to be grateful for what you have built, enjoy the people you do business with, and laugh when something is funny! Finding the humor in everyday life makes for a happier person.

How have you gotten yourself out of a rut and energized your business? Please share your ideas below!

Getting Your Best Customers to Promote Your Business

Getting Your Best Customers to Promote Your Business

Getting Your Best Customers to Promote Your BusinessPromoting your business is a continuous job that often requires a great deal of creative energy, time, and money. However, it is important to keep in mind that you have a wonderful resource in your clientele; your clients can not only promote your business for free, but their stories are often more meaningful and effective than any marketing strategy or sales incentive. The following is a list of ways to get your best customers to promote your business.

  • Create excellent products/services your customers need. Without this basic tenet of sound business practice, any of your efforts to promote your business via customers will be meaningless. You should strive for the utmost quality in your products and services, as well as in your customers’ experience patronizing your business. This will lay the foundation for satisfied clients who want to spread the word about your business to anyone who will listen. Would you recommend to a friend a restaurant whose food and service was not up to par? Of course not! But if you had eaten one of the most delicious meals imaginable and your server was attentive, you’d be telling everyone you know to eat there as soon as possible.
  • Give clients what they want so they get excited about sharing their experiences with others. Once you’ve made sure you have quality products and excellent customer service, the next step is to find out what clients want that you may be lacking. When you can deliver on a customer demand, your chances of customer promotion are even greater. For example, listen carefully and take to heart when a customer asks you a question such as, “Do you carry a cleaning kit made specifically for this camera?” or “Where can I buy the conditioner you used on my hair? I love the way it smells!” When customers can get all their needs met while having a great experience, they will want to share that with others.
  • Seek out a loyal customer with a good story to tell who is eager to share it with his or her network of friends. As happy as many customers may be with your products and how you conduct your business, most of the time, they won’t exactly volunteer to become informal spokespeople. Take the initiative to find a customer you know has a good story to share about his or her experience with your business. Ask the person to share the story with friends and family. If you’ve picked the right person, he or she will be happy to do so.
  • Look for genuine stories that customers want to share; do not pay for testimonials. Paid testimonials are less meaningful to potential clients than authentic ones. Think about how many times you’ve read customer reviews on sites like Amazon or Yelp that have influenced your decision to buy a certain product or use a certain company. If you knew some of these reviews were paid for instead of written genuinely and voluntarily, it would most likely change your decision. Besides, if you are doing all the right things to satisfy your clients’ needs, you won’t need to pay for customer promotion anyway.

Don’t let your customer base remain an untapped resource. Authentic stories from satisfied and eager customers are more valuable than any paid advertisement. Strive for excellence so your customers will want to share these stories.

How do you get your customers to promote your business? Please share your comments below!

Three Ideas to Keep Your Business Growing

Three Ideas to Keep Your Business Growing

Three Ideas to Keep Your Business Growing

When planning for the long term success of your business, your focus should be on moving forward with such things as industry trends and customer demands. You’ll want to make sure you’re planning to grow your business in a realistic way. Without a focus on improvement, your business becomes stagnant and will not grow. The following ideas are simple adjustments you can make for yourself to keep your business growing.

  1. Reward yourself for positive results, not for effort. You may feel as if all the hours and creative energy you put into running your business deserves its own Nobel Prize. While it’s definitely commendable that you devote yourself so fiercely to the business, hold off on rewarding yourself until you actually see positive results. For example, you’ve spent countless hours researching how to design the most efficient online ordering system and even more hours implementing it. Now you’re ready to take that long-awaited holiday weekend trip. But instead of laying out lots of cash, the smarter approach would be to reward yourself with a latte, and then await the results that come from this new system. By doing so, you ensure your physical presence if there are unforeseen problems and you maintain your focus on quality and efficiency. Once you’ve gotten positive feedback and that increase in orders you were hoping for, then you can pack the car and head out of town.
  2. Be flexible; that’s why you have your own business. Being your own boss has allowed you to create your own work schedule and everyday operating protocol, hand-pick your team, and run this business in a way that works for you. Keep this in mind when things don’t go as planned. Your flexibility is crucial to staff morale, customer satisfaction, and the overall success of your business. One recently retired photo lab owner spent most of his career and gathered much of his success by running the lab efficiently and being knowledgeable about each photo processing machine. However, when the industry went digital and photo processing started to become a thing of the past, it was time for him to modify his whole business model to compete with big business processing chains and the at-home photo printing and scrapbooking revolution. By adjusting to these new ideas and thinking creatively, he was able to spend the final years of his career in the business that he loved, instead of shutting down like so many of his counterparts had to do.
  3. Pay yourself fairly, but not too much. You may have a pre-conceived notion about how much you want to make each month or year, but make sure this is a fair amount based on the financial state of your business. There will be times when your profits fall short of those expectations, so it may be necessary to take a pay cut. On the other hand, when business is booming, don’t be tempted to pay yourself too much. Plan for a rainy day by putting some money back into the business and/or by rewarding deserving staff with appropriate bonuses. It’s important to frequently assess your salary and adjust it accordingly.

You can keep your business growing and achieve your goals in low-cost or no-cost ways by being disciplined, flexible, and fair. Always strive for these qualities in yourself and your colleagues.

How do you keep your business growing? Please share your ideas below!



Being Opportunity Minded

Being Opportunity Minded

Low angle view of two business executives shaking handsA successful entrepreneur has many characteristics: ambition, good work ethic, and strong leadership skills to name just a few. One often overlooked quality, however, is always being on the lookout for opportunity. Whether things are going well or could use improvement, by looking at situations as possible opportunities, you’re paving the way for further learning experiences and long-term success.

Here are some ways to keep yourself open to opportunity:

  • Focus not just on working harder, but working smarter. If you find yourself putting in endless hours but you’re still not able to stay on top of your responsibilities, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate how you’re spending your time. Maximize efficiency by eliminating distractions, prioritizing responsibilities, staying organized, and being proactive. For more on this, see: Balance Without Sacrificing Business (How to Make Your Business More Efficient)
  • Consider “no” as “not yet.” The reality is that you are going to hear that dreaded word, “no,” over and over again. The key is to not let it discourage you. Instead of interpreting it as “no,” think of it as, “not yet.” This will keep you from prematurely closing the door on a potential opportunity. Although “no” sometimes really does mean “no,” keeping your mind open to the possibility that a “yes” may happen eventually will ensure you don’t miss out on a future opportunity.
  • Have a long term outlook for your business. Where do you see your business in five years? Ten? Creating a long term plan for your business gives you direction and allows you to continue moving forward. Competition increases, technology evolves, and customers’ needs change. Always stay on top of current business and industry trends so that you aren’t left behind.
  • Network and explore new social groups. Networking should be a constant in your business. Look to expand your network not only at formal events like industry conventions, but also within your community among people you meet and people you already know. Consider stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring new social groups. Join a book club or volunteer at the local hospital. You’ll find that you are not only meeting new people, but enjoying yourself at the same time.
  • Establish and maintain a great reputation. Strive for excellence in all areas to establish a stellar reputation. Once you have done so, make it clear to your staff that maintaining your reputation is a top priority. Unfortunately, all it takes is one incident to cast doubt on your abilities and tarnish your good name. Practice integrity and consideration for others in all you do. Your reputation will speak for itself and open doors to new and exciting opportunities, such as professional partnerships and word-of-mouth referrals.

Adopting a positive attitude and being on the lookout for opportunity will increase your chances of professional success. Seek help when you need it and help others as well.

How do you keep your mind open to opportunities? Please share your thoughts below!

How To Take Risks

How To Take Risks

climboverWhile playing it safe can occasionally bring some peace of mind, sometimes it’s necessary to take a risk. Don’t let your fear of failure prevent you from venturing out into uncharted territory; as long as you adequately prepare, your risks can pay off. When deciding whether or not to take a risk, this list may help you evaluate whether or not you’re prepared.

  • Trust yourself. You’ve already taken one of the biggest risks of all, which is starting your own business. Now that you’re up and running, trust that you have the knowledge and skills to pursue your ultimate vision. If you find that you lack the self-confidence, identify your weaknesses and work on improving them through practice, research, and professional development. Others will find it hard to trust you if you don’t first trust yourself.
  • Think creatively. Creative thinking comes more easily for some than it does for others. No matter where you fall on the creative spectrum, you can always push yourself to think outside the box. Sometimes all you need is a tiny nugget of an idea to inspire a completely original thought. Observe how others operate, take stock of what could be improved about your business, and being to formulate ideas from what you already know. Creative thinking takes practice, so work on it often.
  • Know your field and product/service. A risky decision can quickly become an unwise one if you aren’t completely in the know about your industry as a whole or about the products/services you are offering. This is where the importance of professional development really comes into play. Attend industry conventions and workshops, conduct research, take a class at the local college, or consider finding a mentor. The more knowledge you have about your business, the more prepared you’ll be to assess your level of risk and decide whether or not to move forward.
  • Implement a support system and seek expert advice. It’s always wise to bounce your ideas off other people. A fresh perspective may be all you need to consider a possibility you hadn’t previously thought of before. It’s also important to have people that believe in you, and are rooting for your success no matter what. So surround yourself with loyal and successful people in whom you can trust to give you smart advice and encouragement.
  • Show courage. At the end of the day, it may just come down to whether or not you have the nerve to take a risk. Once you have done all the necessary preparation, tap into your inner hero. Take the calculated risk, knowing that you have done all you can to prepare, and with your eyes wide open. Showing courage in how you conduct business is a good leadership skill as well.
  • Never give up. Took a risk that didn’t quite work out the way you had planned? Don’t just scrap it and move on. Analyze why it didn’t work out, how you could do it differently, and what is involved in starting over. Who is to say you can’t give it another shot? Persistence is an excellent quality to adopt as an entrepreneur.
  • Don’t listen to negatives. Negative talk can undermine your self-confidence and ability to think clearly. If those negative comments are coming from others, separate yourself from such people. If this isn’t an option, make a conscious decision not to discuss your ideas with them. Sometimes negative talk comes from inside our own heads. Counteract negative self-talk by reading motivational books or making daily affirmations to build up your self-confidence. A healthy dose of self-esteem will improve your chances of success.

When contemplating taking a risk in your business, do your homework! Use your existing strengths and understand the potential benefits and challenges that come from taking the risk. Prepare yourself for worst-case scenarios and seek help when necessary. You may find that risk taking is the best thing you can do for your business.

Ways to Establish Trust

Ways to Establish Trust

followyouIn the highly competitive small business world, it is of utmost importance to develop a level of trust between you and your clients. A strong professional relationship built on trust will bring you long term success through repeat business, loyal customers, and referrals. Here are some ways that you can improve your ability to establish trust in your professional relationships.

  • Be real. Most people will likely be able to sense if you are being insincere. Tap into your true desire to help people find what they need, solve a problem they have, and provide excellent service. It will be clear to others that you are a genuine person, and they will begin to trust you. Nurture that trust over time.
  • Be truly curious about everything. What are your clients looking for? How can you best serve them? Is there a more efficient way to conduct business that you haven’t thought of before? Become more inquisitive, and observe how other successful people operate. When your clients and colleagues see that you are always striving to improve, they will trust you as a person and as a professional. For example, a potential customer has just moved into the area and comes into your flower shop looking for an affordable option for his daughter’s wedding. He raves about the florist in his hometown and how he wishes he could still use him. Ask the prospect questions about why he loved this other florist so much and express your desire to fulfill that need. He will trust that you have his best interests in mind.
  • Keep personal conversations private. Separating your personal life from your professional life is a crucial part of owning your own business. Even if you have customers who are also friends, make sure that any personal conversations you have had with them stay between you. An easy way to break someone’s trust in you is to spread their personal life around town. Even if they haven’t specifically mentioned that discretion is needed, it is a good idea to err on the side of caution.
  • Become an expert. As the owner, you should be an expert in all things involved in your business. This includes products, industry trends, customer demands, marketing strategies, etc. Clients will trust someone they feel is knowledgeable about relevant topics and can educate them accordingly. If you owned a camera shop, and a customer came to you wanting something to get started as a beginning photographer but admits to knowing nothing about cameras, it would be your job to demonstrate your expertise. You would narrow down their choices, help them compare options, and ultimately guide them to making a wise selection. Your specialized knowledge will allow customers to trust your judgment.
  • Help others and always be respectful. This applies to almost every part of life, not just business. However, it often goes overlooked when people are under pressure and stressed out. Maintain a pleasant demeanor and practice appropriate social skills. Even if you come up short in other areas, it is unlikely that you’ll make a bad impression by being a genuinely nice person. Always treat others the way you would want to be treated; this includes everyone from VIP clients to mail room interns.

Establishing trust is a necessary investment to make in your business. Treat others well and always conduct yourself professionally.

How do you establish trust with your clients and colleagues? Please share your ideas below!

Why You Procrastinate

Why You Procrastinate

doubtProcrastination is a challenge we all have from time to time.  Perhaps there is a fear of failure, being overwhelmed by a complex project, or too many distractions in our daily lives. The good news is that there are several effective ways to combat this problem. If procrastination gets the better of you, ask yourself the following questions.

  • Are you settling for less? Procrastination may be caused by a lack of passion. If you are settling for less, then whatever it is that needs to be done feels unimportant, and the result is procrastination. So, make sure you understand why you want to achieve your goal and make it meaningful. Realize that action is required to reach what you want, and it is necessary to put forth your greatest effort each time to achieve success.
  • Do you have a clear goal or plan of action? Lack of direction is a common reason why people procrastinate, especially when tackling a long-term project. Set an objective that includes your desired outcome, and then break it down into smaller, manageable parts. If you need to redesign your company’s website, for instance, decide why it should be done and what will come of it. Your objective might be: Redesign the company website to improve customer navigation, increase internet visibility on search engines, and reach a broader customer base. Now that you have laid out the reasons why you are tackling such a project, you can more easily break it down and focus on just one step at a time.
  • Do you have a support system, such as a mentor, role model, or advisory group? When you are self-employed, it may seem like the weight of the world is on your shoulders since everything about the business depends on you. Don’t carry this burden alone. Instead, seek out others to guide and support you along the way. Is there a former employer you trust to give you sound advice? Are other local entrepreneurs interested in creating an informal support group for small business owners? You will be much more motivated to act when you surround yourself with like-minded people who truly want to help and support each other.
  • Have you set your priorities? The list of goals we want to achieve or tasks we want to accomplish can become so long that we don’t know where to begin. Start by prioritizing your goals or tasks in a way that works for you and your business. Some people find that a daily to-do list is the best way to stay focused. Each day contains a list of tasks that either must be completed or canwait until the next day. Implementing such a system will prevent important tasks from being overlooked.

Don’t beat yourself up for procrastinating; it is a common problem, especially in today’s world filled with distractions and personal obligations. Do make the choice, however, to be proactive. Procrastination can prevent you from achieving your goals, so take charge of your business and be passionate in the actions you take.

How to Plan for January Business Now

How to Plan for January Business Now

December is often an exceptionally busy time for retailers and small business owners. The holiday demand for products can keep you just going, going, going until the holidays finally arrive and you’re left exhausted. Unfortunately, right after the holidays many business owners experience a slump in sales…unless they’ve planned ahead. Here are some tips to keep your business going strong right into January:

  • Use the holiday business to your advantage. Don’t just coast through the busy holiday selling season without planning ahead. Put a specific emphasis on the advantages your customers will experience by coming back to you in January. Talk it up! And be sure to make a list of all the things you can be doing with every customer to encourage them to shop with you in January, so you remember to tell your customers about them.
  • Make a list. While your customers are shopping with you during the holidays, be sure to gather their contact information, and get permission to contact them later. That way, you have a marketing mailing list you can take advantage of after the holidays are over.
  • Offer coupons and other incentives that can be used in January. Every customer that purchases from you, and hostesses that host for you, should receive a special coupon that offers additional discounts, gifts, or other offers for coming back in January. Make it a “just for you” offer that allows them to pamper themselves after taking care of everyone else during the holidays. But get your customers thinking beyond the holidays. People still need things in January. Make sure they think of your business when they need them.
  • Hold a post-holiday sale. Many retailers offer special post-holiday discounts on merchandise, and customers expect these. Think about a sale that your business can offer after the holidays, and give each customer a flyer or email reminding them about that sale.
  • Offer a January promotion related to weight loss, New Year’s Resolutions or self-improvement. One of the keys to successful marketing is talking about the things people are interested in. In January, there is always a huge emphasis on New Year’s resolutions and weight loss. think about ways your product line might fit into this. For example, if you sell candles, you might have a promotion that focuses on the resolution to make more time for your spouse (candlelight dinners, anyone?) If you sell skincare, craft a promotion that focuses on “New Year, New You” and teaches techniques for improving your skin or updating your look. If you sell cooking products, focus a promotion on healthy cooking techniques. No matter what you sell, there’s a way to tie it into what everyone is thinking about in the New Year. Create a promotion that takes advantage of this to build your business, and make sure your customers know about it now so they’re ready.

To keep your business income consistent, you need to focus on the activities that will keep customers coming back in January. By applying these tips, you’ll attract customers who are ready to shop for themselves.

What are you doing to build your January business now? Would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

What Your Team Needs

What Your Team Needs

A strong team is not only good for business, but it is also essential to overall staff morale and your own peace of mind. Each individual contributes something of value to the team as a whole, so fostering those strengths is important. Your role as a leader is to provide the tools your team needs to succeed. Here are some suggestions for doing so.

  • Teach practical skills. Team members obviously need specialized skills that work specifically for your business, but don’t overlook the importance of teaching practical skills. These skills allow your team to function autonomously in a variety of tasks. Skills such as time management, problem solving, organization, and delegation are all necessary to succeed no matter what industry you are in. Teach directly when necessary and always lead by example.
  • Teach skills instead of trying to change personality traits. If you try to change who a person is, you’ll likely spend much of your time banging your head against the wall, figuratively speaking that is. If one of your team members has a shy personality and doesn’t assert himself with clients and colleagues because of that shyness, focus on teaching him tangible ways in which he can be more assertive. Encourage him to initiate follow-up correspondence with customers, prepare a script to anticipate objections, and give a firm handshake with consistent eye contact. The person will always tend to be shy, but that doesn’t mean he can’t succeed as part of the team.
  • Assess improvements continually. Be on constant lookout for improvements your team makes, both large and small. This can be done through regular meetings, informal briefings, and even frequent observation, such as sitting in on a work session. By taking a proactive role in your team’s well-being, you can help steer them in the right direction or possibly help them get back on track if they are losing focus or approaching a project in an ineffective way. Nurturing a team atmosphere requires your continual awareness of what improvements are being made.
  • Reinforce and support their improvements. Part of your job as a leader is to build up your team and recognize their good work. Positive reinforcement is an incredibly effective confidence booster and motivator. When your team is succeeding, show them that you notice with some kind words, a pep talk, or even treating them to lunch once in a while. Your opinion matters to them, so demonstrate your willingness to help, cheer them on, and support their hard work.

Team dynamics vary from group to group, so being able to recognize what the team needs is an important skill all in itself. Lead by example and practice positive reinforcement to motivate your team to succeed.

How do you provide for your team? Please share your ideas below!