All posts tagged motivation

Effective Ways to Build on Mistakes

Effective Ways to Build on Mistakes

Although we all try to avoid making mistakes whenever possible, it is important to accept that they are bound to happen eventually. In the best interests of your business, embrace your mistakes as learning experiences and build on what you’ve learned to move forward. The following is a list of ways that you can build on your mistakes to minimize damage and prevent them from happening again.

  • Accept full responsibility for your mistakes. It may be tempting to play the blame game and make someone else the scapegoat. Aside from creating tension in the workplace, it also keeps you from recognizing the real problem. Every aspect of your business falls back on you, so demonstrate strong leadership by holding yourself accountable for your mistakes. You will be setting a good example for your employees, and everyone involved in your business will respect you more for taking control.
  • Work as a team to fix the problem. Act quickly to gather the appropriate people who can help rectify the problem caused by a mistake. For example, if a marketing flier with incorrect information has been distributed to customers, choose the people who are best equipped to handle the problem right away. Delegate someone to create a new flier with accurate information, someone else to contact clients about the error, and yet another person to make arrangements with the printer to deliver the new order as quickly as possible. Always demonstrate a professional demeanor even in the most stressful of situations, and show your team that working together is the best way to move forward.
  • Implement a process to deal with mistakes and ways to learn from them. How you handle mistakes will of course vary depending on the situation. However, you should absolutely have some kind of support system in place, especially if you find yourself in unchartered territory. Support groups, mentors, or even informal advisors can provide you with guidance you may need to not only deal with the mistake at hand, but also to learn from it. Think of your support system as a disaster preparedness kit. You hope that you will never need it, but if you do, it will be a lifesaver.
  • Share your mistake with others. It is human nature to want to cover up our mistakes so others don’t see our weaknesses. This is counterproductive, as it enables you to avoid getting to the root of the problem and gaining new wisdom from it. First, own up to it using first-person statements like, “I neglected to approve the final draft that contained inaccurate information.” Second, talk about it with people you trust, even those who are not involved in business at all. Venting to a confidante will make you feel better and help you identify where you may have gone wrong. Third, listen to the advice of others. You will benefit from getting advice from a variety of perspectives. Talking it out with others will maximize your learning.

When dealing with mistakes, keep your cool, take responsibility, act quickly, and reflect on the problem by talking it out with others. You won’t be able to avoid every possible misstep, but you will certainly take away a newfound wisdom that allows you to move your business forward. How do you build on your mistakes? Please share your ideas below!

Conversations that Increase Sales

Conversations that Increase Sales

The ultimate goal in a sales meeting is, of course, to close the deal. Depending on your individual style, there are several paths from which to choose that lead you to a final sale. By focusing on your clients’ perspective, you are giving yourself a better chance at succeeding. Here are some conversations you should be having with customers that will lead to an increased number of sales.

  • Discuss how your client perceives the problem. You may have your own ideas about how your product or service would serve as a solution to a problem, but the client may have a completely different perception of the problem itself. Find out what that is, and in your presentation, appeal to that need. Let’s say your client wants to simplify his financial software program. Without discussing why, you could be trying to solve a problem that doesn’t really exist. Does his current program have too many extraneous features? Does he like the features but finds the program hard to use? The more specific you can get, the better equipped you’ll be to provide a real solution.
  • Use simple, clear statements that appeal to your client. There really is no need for you to use overly technical language or business jargon in a sales meeting. Clients really only want to figure out if your product will be valuable enough to them to spend their hard-earned money on it. Back to the above example, the customer states that he needs the features of his financial software, but is spending too much time navigating the program. A simple statement like, “The simplicity of our software will cut your usage time in half,” is clear and appeals exactly to the client’s problem.
  • Establish credibility. Why should a client take the time to listen to your pitch? Why should someone consider doing business with you instead of a competitor? You need to establish yourself as someone worthy of a client’s time. Make sure you are dressed appropriately and come prepared not just with your pitch, but with smart, client-specific questions. It’s a good idea to research a prospective client so that you can open with some questions that demonstrate your expertise and genuine interest in your client’s specific needs.
  • Prepare for objections. Don’t let yourself be caught off guard when a client objects to closing the sale. Anticipate possible reasons for such objections so you can respond quickly and confidently. People often take comfort in knowing that others have already thought of possible issues and have taken steps to prevent them. Listen carefully to the client’s concern, ask follow-up questions if necessary, and then respond appropriately.
  • Always leave with a good impression. This is especially true, even if you don’t ultimately make the sale. You never know when you will be doing business with this client in the future or in what capacity. If you’ve left with a positive impression, a client may recommend you to a colleague or friend, or perhaps think of you later on when a different need arises. Even failed sales meetings are opportunities for further networking, so always conduct yourself professionally with a pleasant and sincere demeanor.

Your dialogue with clients forms the basis of your professional relationship. Knowing how to focus those conversations will help you increase your sales.

What conversations work for you? Please share your ideas below!


7 Skills to Greatness

7 Skills to Greatness

We all have a vision of our ideal selves, a version that is hard-working, successful, inspirational, and fulfilled. You should always strive to achieve that level of greatness in both your professional and personal life, but it is also important to recognize and embrace your flaws. Only then will you truly become a realistic version of your ideal self. Here are some skills you can focus on to achieve greatness and make yourself proud.

  • Be punctual. For some people, this is an easy skill to master. However, if you’re one of those people who is perpetually ten minutes late, this is an important one for you to work on. Punctuality conveys a multi-faceted message to others; being on time shows that you respect other people’s time, that you take your commitments seriously, and that you are prepared and responsible enough to get where you need to be on schedule. Lateness, on the other hand, conveys exactly the opposite.  Even though you may not consciously mean to be disrespectful of others in any way, tardiness demonstrates a negative message. Find ways to make punctuality a top priority.
  • Be consistent. If you are consistent, it translates to others that you are dependable and can safely be relied upon to keep your word. This goes for everything from your adherence to company policies to your overall demeanor when interacting with team members and clients alike. People with whom you do business are more likely to trust you when you are predictable in the most positive way.
  • Be responsive. Whether you are listening to a customer’s complaint or a colleague’s concern, don’t throw on your poker face and make the other person wonder what you are thinking. Respond immediately, sincerely, and respectfully to the matter at hand. Demonstrate your desire to help others by addressing questions and comments promptly.
  • Be respectful no matter what. There is bound to be that rare occasion when someone acts in an unprofessional manner, perhaps by using inappropriate language or targeting you as the cause for dissatisfaction. Don’t worry about whether or not you are right; always act respectful even if you aren’t being shown the same courtesy. Later on, when cooler heads prevail, you will never have to worry about how you acted in the heat of the moment. Levelheadedness and decorum are never criticized.
  • Help others. There are several ways to help others while still running your business, such as performing community service, donating to local organizations, or becoming a mentor to a future business leader. Helping others is a great way to use your own success to give back to your community and its members. If you need assistance getting started, contact your local chamber of commerce, parent-teacher organization, or community college.
  • Be right as much as possible, but be okay when you’re wrong. With enough preparation, research, and knowledge of your industry, you will often be right. Equally as important, however, is accepting when you are wrong. Instead of trying to cover up your error or blame it on someone else, admit your mistake and act quickly to rectify the situation. No one expects you to be perfect, but you are expected to be honest and caring about your desire to satisfy your colleagues and customers.
  • Forgive yourself and others for mistakes. Just as you can’t expect to be perfect, don’t expect it in others. You should certainly expect professionalism and hard work, but forgive yourself and others when things don’t go as planned. Solve any problems that arise, identify how to prevent the same thing from happening again, and move forward.

If you are lucky enough to love what you do for a living, then make the commitment to master these skills. Not only will your business be more likely to thrive, but you will command the respect of those around you.

What qualities do you feel are evidence of greatness? Please share your ideas below!

How Friends and Family Can Help You Start Your Business

How Friends and Family Can Help You Start Your Business

Starting a business with support from your loved ones can make all the difference in its ultimate success. Sure, you may be able to go it alone, but your chance of succeeding is much greater when you have the help of those who matter to you the most. The following is a list of steps that will help you gain the support of your friends and family.

  • Educate them about the business. If you sense some skepticism from your loved ones, it may simply be because they don’t know what exactly you’ll be doing. Talk about the industry itself and what you will be contributing to it by starting the business. What unique qualities do you have or what novel ideas have you come up with that will give you an edge over your competitors? Make sure you answer their questions as specifically as you can to not only educate them, but also to demonstrate your own expertise.
  • Tell them exactly what kind of help you need. Some people just need the peace of mind that their friends and family will provide them with moral support and encouragement. Others may need physical help to set up a retail space, for example. Still others may need financial help or even just some assistance spreading the word about the new business. Tell your loved ones what you need and how exactly it will help your business. It is so often the case that friends and family members want to reach out and help, but don’t know what they can do.
  • Put their referrals first. Did your mom refer her friend from her book club? Is your newest customer your best friend’s landlord? Make referrals that come from friends and family your top priority. Think of them as having VIP status with you; if your referrals feel appreciated and important because they “know the owner,” they will be eager to talk about your business with their friends and family, and provide you with even more referrals.
  • Show your appreciation for their help. Gratitude can be shown in a myriad of ways. The most important thing is to be sincere. Consider taking them out for a nice meal and making a thoughtful toast, sending them a gift basket with all their favorite goodies, or spending the time to write a handwritten note or letter telling them how much their support means to not only your business but to you personally.
  • Go above and beyond their expectations. Find ways, both big and small, to exceed the expectations of your friends and family members. They are the most important people in your life, so make the effort to show them in both your personal and professional life. Don’t take their support for granted; no one is obligated to help you just because of your relationship with them. Your efforts to go above and beyond will likely not go unnoticed, and you’ll feel good about doing right by those you care about.
  • Remember that relationships come first. Whatever you do, don’t let your business get in the way of your relationships. There may be times when you feel disappointed that someone hasn’t supported you in the way you had anticipated. Not everyone will be able to help you for a variety of reasons. Maintain the relationship regardless; your loved ones should come first in your life.

Having the support of friends and family is something we all want when it comes to big decisions, like starting a business. Be informative, unafraid to ask for help, and willing to return the favor. How do you enlist the help of your loved ones? Please share your ideas below!

Make Every Day Successful

Make Every Day Successful

When you are self-employed, you have the wonderful opportunity to take charge of your professional life every single day. Small business ownership has its challenges, so it is of utmost importance that you set yourself up for success with each new day. Maintaining a positive outlook can really strengthen your resolve and keep you motivated. The following are some suggestions for making every day successful.

  • Start the day with 10 minutes of inspirational thoughts/readings/music. Just as breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it fuels your body for what lies ahead, inspirational thoughts can do the same for your mind. Find your inspiration in any number of places; the most important thing is that you connect with it on some level, whether it be your favorite song, a poem, scriptures, or even a free app on your phone or tablet that provides an inspirational quote each day. Anytime you get stressed out or just need a mental pick-me-up, you can reflect on that morning’s inspiration to help you continue.
  • Remind yourself of the deeper “why” of your work. Why did you decide to run your own business? What is the reason that this particular line of work interests you? How does it fulfill you? You may have answered these questions a long time ago, but reminding yourself of those answers can get you back on track when you may be having a hard time. Success most often begets success, so remember that you’ve already achieved more than many others ever could, and remind yourself why you love what you do.
  • Put on a smile (even if you don’t feel it)…because after awhile, you probably will! If you’ve ever spent time with someone who is often smiling, you’ve probably noticed that you smile as well. When you smile, you exude a positive feeling, and others feel comfortable and happy to be around you. This is true and important not only for your customers, but also for colleagues, staff, family, and friends. Giving others a pleasant feeling is a very important element in the world of business.
  • Keep your conversations positive. When someone asks, “How are you today?” your answer should be a positive one, rather than a play-by-play of everything that’s gone wrong so far. People feel good when others have positive things to say, so choose your words carefully in order to stay upbeat.
  • Do the most important things first. Prioritizing that undoubtedly long list of to-do’s focuses your energy and sets you up for success. There is no way you would finish a lengthy list of tasks in one day, so choose one or a few to do first so that when you complete them, you’ve actually succeeded in doing what you set out to do that day.
  • Maintain a good work/life balance. It’s true that success comes from hard work, but a life without other fulfilling things can really bring you down and negatively affect your business. Make sure you are spending quality time with family, making time for hobbies you enjoy, or even finding some time just for yourself on a regular basis. A proper balance of professional and personal fulfillment is the key to overall success. You are not a one-dimensional person who only needs to work and nothing else. Embrace your well-rounded nature, and give yourself time to do what you love to do outside of work.

Making every day a success requires a positive mindset above all else. You’ll benefit with more confidence and a greater enjoyment for what your do professionally.

How do you make every day successful? Please share with us in the comments section!

DSEF & CBBB: Always Getting Better: Applying Sports Theory to Business

DSEF & CBBB: Always Getting Better: Applying Sports Theory to Business

Continuous Improvement and the 2012 Olympics

Top Olympic athletes and their trainers achieve continuous improvement with constant examination and measurement. The proof of their success can be measured in seconds, inches, pounds, or, in the case of the 2012 Olympics, in personal improvements and world records:  44 new world records, 117 new Olympic records. In business, teams can adopt a similar philosophy in order to identify and confront key issues.

Kaizen vs. TQM

Kaizen is a Japanese word that translates to “continuous improvement” in English. The Kaizen philosophy points to a disciplined process of systematic exploration, controlled experimentation, and adopting new procedures.

The Kaizen philosophy is only the Japanese version of what business professionals the world over call Total Quality Management (TQM).

TQM incorporates continuous improvement though increasing quality and performance in order to meet (or hopefully exceed) the customer’s expectations. This is done by integrating key functions and processes throughout the business and examining overall quality measures used by the company.

How is this done? Lots and LOTS of data. Big Data.

BIG Data

Today’s Olympic athletes are “big data,” in that every facet of their health, diet, and performance are measured to the smallest increment.  They are the most quantified athletes in history; the so-called quantified self.

In business, recent advances in technology provide easier access to more robust data and different kinds of digital dashboard software available. You can measure your company’s health and performance too: it simply comes down to choosing the right software in order to measure your data.

The more data you have about your company, the more you can drive a culture for continuous improvement. The more you measure your business processes, the more you learn about how the customer is affected by each process.

Bring it on Home utilizes a number of different techniques for managing and improving our customers’ experience such as call center software, emails, and live chat.  Each one can be measured in terms of success and overall customer satisfaction.

Measuring our customer’s satisfaction with surveys provides customer-specific feedback and allows us to take into account specific issues that matter most to the customer and improve them to provide the best possible experience. Just like a professional athlete, we measure our success and then strive for perfection.

Record-breaking 2012 Olympics

Over the course of time, we can see that athletes who compete in the Olympics are getting better, stronger, and faster than their previous counterparts. For example,Usain Bolt’s incredible 100m world record breaking time was worlds away from any gold medal winner’s time back in the early 1900s.  In fact, today the top U.S. sprinter in the 8 year old age group, would handily beat the gold medal winner from the early 1900s’.  Amazing.

The 2012 Olympic competitors broke 44 world records and 117 Olympic recordsthroughout the games. This would not have been possible without a philosophy of continuous improvement. Every four years, records are broken and new ones are set, which means, Olympic athletes are only getting better and better.

To continuously improve your business, you must think like an Olympic athlete in terms of getting better.  Nothing is more indicative of ways to improve then measuring your own performance.

Improving Your Outlook Will Improve Your Business

Improving Your Outlook Will Improve Your Business

Have you ever imagined that something in your situation is different? Perhaps while waiting outside for the train in single digit temperatures, you hold your coffee cup tight and visualize yourself on the platform in the middle of summer with the sun shining in a cloudless sky. For those few seconds or minutes, you’ve distracted your brain from the biting cold and survived your wait a bit longer.

This same concept can benefit your business. Here are some suggestions for improving your outlook in order to improve your business.

  • Think of everything as a gift.  This includes events you host or attend and experiences you have in your business. Instead of approaching it like a job, go into it like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This change in mindset will allow you to get the most out of the situation and maximize your enjoyment. For example, you’re about to meet with a potential client. Don’t think of it as another sales call; do think of it as a chance to get to know someone new, to talk about why you love your job, and to learn something from another person that you’ll eventually take with you to use in the future. You’ll find yourself feeling more cheerful and more grateful about your professional life. This positivity will rub off on those around you for a more fulfilling and successful business.
  • Do things that make people smile. Tap into your desire to please others and your inner sense of humor. Even the smallest things that can make someone smile can make you feel good as well. Compliment your partner’s new hair cut, or leave some snacks and a handwritten note of appreciation for your custodial staff. When you take even a little bit of time to show others you care or are thinking of them, your attitude improves and you become motivated to continue – not to mention that it makes others appreciate you as well. These positive effects on your business will be demonstrated in staff morale, increased drive to succeed, and happier customers.
  • Write down 3 positive things every day. Post your list somewhere in plain view, like on the refrigerator, and revisit it often. No matter what obstacles you face throughout your day, focusing on the positive is an effective way to get yourself through. Sometimes just the reminder that you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff can be enough to re-energize yourself and take on the day with determination and pride.
  • Consider everyone you meet a potential friend. Think of some of the important people in your life; how did you meet them? There’s no doubt a funny story about how you met your best friend or how you came to hire your valued assistant. You never know when that next experience is right around the corner. No, you won’t become friends with everyone you meet in the true sense of the word. However, by considering the possibility, you will always put 100% into every interaction with clients, prospects, and staff. Those you meet will recognize and appreciate your attitude that you are truly glad to meet them. From there, relationships can be built, which are the backbone of your business.

In what ways does your improved attitude benefit your business? Please share your comments below!

What You Need to Know if You’re New to Sales

What You Need to Know if You’re New to Sales

A career in sales can be a rewarding one. It is an opportunity to harness your enthusiasm and excitement for a great product line, and embrace all that lies ahead. If you’re new to selling, however, there are some basics you’ll need to master in order to get in the right mindset and reach your professional goals. Read on for some tips on how to get started.

  • Ask questions to quickly find out what the problem is and/or what the customer needs. The product or service you’re selling is secondary. No one wants to feel like they’re being “sold to.” Your objective should be to find out what problem the customer has that needs solving. Do this right away, and as soon as you identify it, quickly explain the solution that your product provides. Your customers will be more open to what you have to say once they realize that they could benefit from what you’re selling.
  • Use language that is simple to understand. Don’t make the mistake of using business jargon or uncommon words in hopes of impressing the customer. Speak to them in a natural, conversational tone just as you would a friend. Remember that you’re building a relationship, so choose your words carefully and make a connection with the customer. Perhaps you both follow the same NFL team, or maybe you both have a child the same age. Use easy-to-understand language when describing your product just as you would while talking about the Broncos or your 2-year-old.
  • Create and describe a picture for the customer. Tapping into your customer’s imagination can be a very effective way to demonstrate his or her need for your product or service. For example, you’ve identified that the customer’s problem that needs solving is that the family dog constantly sheds year-round. Encourage your customer to visualize the dog hair on the couch that’s nearly impossible to vacuum, the daily morning ritual of de-linting his suits before leaving for work, and the feeling that the house is never truly clean because of dog hair dust bunnies that always appear even after the floor has just been swept. Now, when you propose your solution of more consistent grooming and a complementary de-shedding tool, you can create a different picture of a hair-free couch, clean suits, and shiny wood floors. By creating pictures, you’ve helped the customer compare their lives with the problem to what their lives could be with the solution you offer.
  • Ask more questions and listen carefully to their answers. This is especially true when you’re faced with objections or hesitation from the customer. Ask specific questions that get to the heart of the skepticism and truly listen to the answers. Some salespeople call this “getting to the no.” Instead of being afraid to hear the word “no,” get right to it so you can begin to address the customer’s concerns and overcome objections. Careful listening will help you focus your discussion to the customer’s specific needs.
  • Think of yourself as a guide. As a guide, it’s your job to lead the customer to the solution. Help him or her navigate the roadblocks such as price points, time commitments, or value. Don’t get your prospect lost by losing your focus and going off on tangents about irrelevant topics. Address each concern and demonstrate the effectiveness of your proposed solution. Putting yourself in the role of guide will give you a more personable approach to sales.

The art of selling is one that is developed over time. The more experience you gather, the more confident and capable you will become.

What else do you think should be added to our list? Please share your ideas below!

How to Handle Daily Stress

How to Handle Daily Stress

Everyday stress is a normal and inevitable part of modern life. If not handled appropriately, however, it can hinder your achievement of personal and professional goals. In order to avoid this, take a look at the following list with ideas about how you can better react to daily stress and even use it to improve.

  • Be prepared by anticipating what can go wrong. Almost worse than an actual setback is the feeling of being blindsided. Prepare yourself for such obstacles by anticipating what could go wrong, and then putting into place plans to overcome those challenges. This could mean having a “rainy day fund” set up for financial security or possibly a new marketing idea you’ve been sitting on because you haven’t seemed to need it. Think of the “what-if’s” in your business and have simple backup plans to quickly recover from setbacks as painlessly as possible.
  • Take small breaks throughout your day. Stretch, breathe deeply, go outside for some fresh air, or simply think of something fun. Your brain needs a little down time, and you’ll be more productive overall by giving yourself those much-needed breaks. Furthermore, you’ll increase your “work stamina” by pacing yourself and prevent midday burnout. Find a way to spend five or ten minutes a few times each day that refreshes your body and mind in an enjoyable way.
  • Visualize a great day where you handle everything well and accomplish your goals. Use your mind’s eye to give yourself the confidence that you can stay on top of your responsibilities, handle them with grace, and best of all, complete your daily to-do list. Visualization is a very effective tool you should be using to improve yourself in any area of life. If you see yourself accomplishing something, you are more likely to make it happen.
  • Learn from close calls and past mistakes. Think back to when you first learned how to drive. Most likely, you had some close calls when you accidentally cut someone off while changing lanes or perhaps nearly rear-ended someone while not paying close enough attention to the road. Now that you have been driving for many years, you don’t make those types of mistakes anymore, and you’ve become a safer, more capable driver. The same goes for your business. What close calls and mistakes have happened in the past and how can you learn from them? Answering such questions can ease your mind and reduce stress because remembering mistakes can actually help us grow.
  • Focus on how good things are right now. An important part of handling stress is not to make it the center of your day. Focus on the good things in your life: you are your own boss, you love what you do, you’ve already accomplished a great deal, and you provide a product/service that helps others make their lives better. Remind yourself of what is positive in your life right now to more easily handle daily stress that arises.

Coping with daily stress effectively is a skill that can be practiced and improved. Recognize the significance of handling stress well and make the effort to work on it. Your attitude and overall well-being will benefit from your efforts.

How do you handle daily stress? Please share your comments below!

Developing Business Support Groups and Masterminds to Help You Succeed

Developing Business Support Groups and Masterminds to Help You Succeed

In your quest to meet and even surpass your professional goals, you will no doubt need and want some help along the way. A business support or mastermind group can serve as a valuable tool to help you generate innovative ideas and deal with the challenges you may face as a small business owner.

When forming such a group, it is important to find the right kind of people to maximize the effectiveness of the group as a whole. Look for like-minded people whose ambitions and goals are similar to yours.

Find people who:

  • Share your level of passion and goals. People in business support groups don’t have to all be in the same industry or come from the same field of experience. However, they should all have a strong passion for their business and an equally strong commitment to achieving their goals. This ensures that each person will contribute value to the group rather than holding it back by being the weak link. Create a list of questions to ask a potential group member that he or she can answer to give you a good idea of what drives this person to success. Ask about what the person hopes to get out of the group, what the person can contribute, and where the person sees him/herself in five years. If you can relate to most of the answers, then this person could be the right fit for your group.
  • Can get together in person. Conference calls and Skype sessions are very useful and efficient when in-person meetings are not possible or practical, but don’t overlook the benefits of meeting as a group in person. Non-verbal communication is just as powerful as words, and it’s imperative that the people in the group have a certain level of trust among each other. Meeting in person also allows you to more easily share materials in a tactile way. Holding something in your hand is always more effective than seeing it on a screen. If at all possible, form a group who can commit to regular meetings in person, or at the very least commit to in-person retreats annually or semi-annually.
  • Will motivate each other. Business support groups are not just about exchanging ideas and feedback. Be each other’s cheerleaders. If someone in the group is experiencing a difficult time such as an unforeseen financial setback, be encouraging, attentive, and empathetic. Point out to the person what his or her strengths are, especially because during times of personal failure, we seem to forget those. You can also be objective, and point out steps the group member can take to move forward, that he or she may not see because the failure has clouded his or her view. Motivate each other in good times and bad and develop a rapport that allows group members to count on each other as allies. A good morale will increase the effectiveness of what a support group can offer.
  • Complement your strengths and weaknesses. Find people who support your strengths and fill voids of your weaknesses. For instance, if you are an idea person, but have trouble mapping out a plan of action, look for someone who is detail-oriented and can help you execute your ideas. Or if you are a creative mind when it comes to advertising but don’t have a head for numbers, look for a person who can help you maximize the limits of your budget. A group whose members have a variety of strengths and weaknesses will be able to offer the most support and assistance to each person involved.

Although forming and participating in a business support group or mastermind can be time-consuming, it is an important investment of time. Such a group can help you meet your goals, grow your business, and achieve success.

What else should you look for in a business support group? Share your ideas below!