All posts tagged word of mouth marketing

How to Run a Great Contest on Facebook

How to Run a Great Contest on Facebook

Running a contest on Facebook is a great idea because it not only engages your community, but it gives you something new to talk about.  Both of these things attract new people to “like” your page and can help bring in new customers and prospects.  However, if not done properly or effectively, a contest can backfire and turn people away from your page or worse; you could lose your page altogether if you don’t abide by Facebook’s terms of serie.  Use the following tips to help you run a successful Facebook contest.

  • Decide on an outcome.  If you have an objective or ultimate goal for your contest, then you will be more equipped to create one that is successful.  For example, your goal may be to build up your mailing list or referrals, to introduce your product line, or to compile customer testimonials to use in future advertising.  Keep your goal in mind when working out the details for how the contest will operate.  This will help you keep it straightforward, user-friendly, and easily shareable.
  • Carefully choose your contest type.  There are a myriad of ways to run a contest including photo or video contests, essay contests, trivia, or sweepstakes.  Once you’ve decided on your desired outcome, make sure the type of contest and the motivating prize you choose will help you achieve your goal.  Consider your target market and what they will be willing to do.  For example, let’s say your target market consists mostly of career-minded professionals in the corporate sector.  If you design your contest in such a way that there is too much work involved to enter, like one that requires a 5-minute viral video, you will be very disappointed with the small number of entries you get, if any.  Ask yourself what your target market will be willing to do for the chosen prize.  In the example above, if the chosen prize is a one-time voucher for 10% off the next purchase, chances are slim that your potential customers will put much time in for a glorified coupon.  A better choice would be a free gift basket of their choice of up to 5 products or one year of unlimited free shipping.  Get creative and think about the kind of contest that you would want to enter.
  • Use a third party app.  Because of Facebook’s Promotional Guidelines, which prohibit the use of any Facebook features (comments, likes) as requirements to enter, third party apps are a requirement for running a contest.  Unfortunately, these apps are not always free to use, but there are some inexpensive ones such as Wildfire or Google Docs that make running your contest easy to do.  Tip:  If you have a blog, consider accepting entries via comments on the blog using a service like Rafflecopter.  Don’t risk losing your Facebook page because you weren’t willing to pay for a 3rd party app.
  • Don’t run the contest for too long.  A contest that runs for a more than a few days to a week will most likely lose its steam long before the end date.  Keeping in mind what people have to do to enter, choose a time frame that is reasonable enough for any necessary preparation, but tight enough to maintain interest.
  • Promote!  The best way to promote your contest is to ask people to share it.  Ask in person, post about it every day on your Facebook page, and/or add a widget on your blog such as a countdown ticker.  Encourage others to click the “share” button to help you get the word out, and explore the use of Facebook ads to attract new people in your target market, as well as engaging your existing community.  The more you ask people to share your contest, the better turnout you will have.

What experiences or ideas have you had for running a successful contest on Facebook?  Please share your tips in the comments section below!

Creating Buzz For Your Business

Creating Buzz For Your Business

When starting a business, it is important to focus on the providing a quality product, and consider how best to deliver it to your customers.  However, none of that will matter if no one knows about your product.  You must get people talking about your business, sharing information about it on the internet, and recommending it to others.  This creates a buzz that will bring customers to your door.

  • Highlight personal success stories as well as hardships.  When discussing your business with others, it pays to set yourself apart from others by sharing how you got to where you are.  What led you to the decision to run your business?  What obstacles have you faced and overcome along the way?  How have you achieved your goals thus far?  What makes you passionate about this business?  Answering these types of questions will show others that because your business is a personal victory, that you are dedicated to providing customers with nothing but positive shopping experiences.
  • Reach out to those who have inspired you.  There are no doubt a number of people who have influenced your decision to start a business.  These might be former teachers/professors, family members, friends, fellow business owners, etc.  Don’t be afraid to contact them to share your accomplishments, thanking them for being positively influential in your life, and offering them V.I.P. customer status for inspiring you to achieve your dreams.  You never know where it might lead.  For example, a former dancer has started her own studio and reaches out to her childhood dance instructor to tell her the good news.  Not only does the instructor offer her valuable professional advice, but she offers her services as a master class guest teacher to bring in new clientele.  Those who have taught you well can likely continue passing on their wisdom and experiences.
  • Blog about your business.  Blogging not only allows you to share information about your business, but it affords you the opportunity to interact with current and potential customers.  Regularly participate in the conversation that occurs in your blog’s comments section, and do the same for others’ blogs.  Tip:  Add video.  A humorous and unique video either on your blog or business’s website can create immediate buzz by drawing the attention of a larger population.  If you really execute this well, your video has the potential to go viral; the exposure provided by a viral video can be a turning point for a startup business from which it grows to the next level.
  • Make a major announcement. Sometimes, business owners are successful at creating an initial buzz, but sustaining that attention is difficult.  One way to keep your business at the forefront of the people’s interest is to make a major announcement, like a new product, contest or promotion, equipment upgrade, improved facilities, or competitive price cut.  Create anticipation of your announcement by referring to it in marketing materials with an emphasis on the upcoming date.  When you do make such an announcement, it should be done in such a way that no one is likely to miss it.  For example, a local bakery announces that it will be creating an audition reel for a major reality competition show for chefs and wants to include its customers on the tape.  The bakery’s owner sends out electronic and paper mailings as well as posts a large banner on its storefront offering a free cupcake to any customer who shows up to appear in the audition reel.  The bakery becomes a full house on the day of shooting, and aside from drawing in so many customers, the owner walks away with plenty of quality footage to submit to the network.

Creating buzz for your business is an effective technique to attract new customers and maintain current ones.  How do you create buzz?  Please share your ideas below!

To get your free copy of the eBook, click here: 15 Days to Greater Success. You can download it from our Facebook Page. And while you’re there, you can download our other free eBooks too: Business Owner’s Road Map to SuccessCreating Your Success Mindset, and Reflections on Success. They’re all designed to give you an edge in your business, and help you focus on the daily practices that lead to your goals.

Please share this link with the business owners you know:

Customer Service Checklist

Customer Service Checklist

As a small business owner, providing excellent customer service should be one of your cornerstones. The personal touch you provide is one of the main reasons why people will choose you over larger stores and corporations. The list below provides tips for providing an outstanding customer service experience every time. How well does your business measure up?

  • Focus on the positive.  Having an optimistic point of view can go a long way.  Your sunny disposition will rub off on customers. You of course want to be genuine, but make the effort to put a positive spin on any situation.  For example, a customer may say that she just doesn’t know where to start in improving her look with makeup. The salesperson replies, “Why don’t we start by working on those dark circles under your eyes?” This could make the customer feel self-conscious, and she leaves hurt, angry, and in search of a different business. The salesperson should have taken a positive approach by saying something like, “Let’s start by finding some color to bring out those gorgeous brown eyes of yours!” Always focus on the positive to make your customers feel special and appreciated.
  • Be helpful in your initial engagement.  Those first impressions you make on customers are lasting ones, so focus on being a helpful ally in their quest to find what they are looking for. One way to do this is by asking questions about them to give you some insight about how to tailor your services to their needs. Get a sense of where they are in their lives (job, spouse, children, friends) and what interests them (special skills, hobbies). For example, someone selling clothes learns that a customer has just become an empty-nester and is about to travel around the country with her spouse for the first time in two decades. Knowing this will help the salesperson select products that would be of most use to this particular customer, and the personal attention provided will keep the customer coming back again and again.
  • Hold their hands through the process. If there are any specials steps to buying from you, such as ordering, delivery, or paperwork, take the extra step of filling out the paperwork for the customer and explaining the process clearly. If a customer needs to go online to find a particular item, do it for them. Eliminate any stress the customer might experience from having to take an additional step, and take care of it for them. This is excellent customer service that will keep them coming back to you and your business.
  • Follow up quickly. After a customer shops with you, personal follow up can really set you and your business apart. Make sure you get contact information from each customer, and ask how they prefer to be contacted. Make sure items were delivered, that the order is complete and accurate, and that the customer is satisfied. Quick follow-ups show customers your desire to please, and lets them know that their business is important to you.
  • Ask for feedback.  Don’t be afraid to ask your customers for feedback. Ask the customer what they thought of the shopping experience, and what would make the experience even better next time. Most people won’t initiate feedback, so it’s your job to seek it out and use what you hear to improve.  It takes a thick skin to do this sometimes, but it’s a highly effective way to improve and grow your business.

Customer service requires a genuine desire to help others, which will help you stand out from your competitors.

Is there anything that should be added to our list?  Please share your ideas below!

Creating Useful Content Marketing

Creating Useful Content Marketing

Building an audience that is interested in your business and all it has to offer is the main objective of content marketing.  Today’s technology makes it easier than ever before to distribute such relevant content to your target market. By taking advantage of these resources, you can create and share useful content to acquire an interested following, and watch your business grow.

  • Provide solutions to problems. Consider problems that your target market encounters that your products/services can solve. Share these solutions online.
  • Re-package your present content.  Just because you want to broaden your audience base doesn’t mean you have to reinvent the wheel.  You most likely already have content that is worth sharing, so consider re-packaging it into a different medium, such as an e-book.  With the presence of smartphones and e-readers, e-books are very appealing to the general public.  The same goes for podcasts. The great thing about podcasts is that they are free; another bonus is their accessibility from a variety of devices.  A little market research and an inventory of the types of technology you are interested in will help you choose the best format for your content.
  • Update current content.  Thinking more about your current content, it is definitely worth periodic review.  Some of it may only need to be tweaked, but you might find that an update or re-write is in order.  For example, when reviewing your blog archives, you come across a post about interacting with customers during a product demonstration.  If this post was written prior to 2007-2008, it would be a good idea to update it to include new ideas about interacting through smartphone apps.  You should also review your content for new information backed by current scientific research, recent user reviews, innovative product concepts, etc.  If it is relevant to your business, it’s probably relevant to your audience as well.
  • Change your medium.  Sometimes it isn’t necessary to alter your content, just the way it is presented.  For example, if your blog hits have been steadily on the rise for three years, but have experienced a plateau in recent months, experiment with changing the format.  Posts made up solely of text might benefit from an occasional video, for example.  Try out different media to decide which ones work best for your needs and attract your audience.

Successful content marketing contains quality in both the message and its delivery.  Be sure that what you are creating is valuable to your audience and easily shareable.

How do you create and share useful content?  Please add a comment below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Effective Sales Pitches

Effective Sales Pitches

The sales pitch: if done well, it’s one of the most effective ways to show a potential customer that he or she should definitely purchase your product.  Salespeople have their own style and flair that they add to their pitches, and you should aim to incorporate your own personality and passion into yours.  However, there are some general guidelines that, if followed, will increase the success of your sales pitch.

  • Build a relationship.  Good business is all about relationships.  People want to feel that they are doing business with someone who is knowledgeable, reliable, and likeable.  Be sure to demonstrate that you care about their satisfaction, not just about their money or making the sale.  One way to do this is to initiate conversations in which you show a genuine interest in their lives.  Open with questions that allow the customer to talk about his or her family, hobbies, and other interests.
  • Get personal.  Customers want to see who you are as a person, mostly because they want to know that you are more than a salesperson; if they can relate to you, they are more likely to form a positive impression of you.  For example, one direct seller of educational books talks about her decision to change her career path during her sales pitch.  In it, she shares how important it was for her to stay home with her children and be a role model to them as a strong, responsible woman.  Her target market is made up of women who hold the same beliefs, so they can relate to her story and often take an immediate liking to her.
  • Know your audience.  Using the example above, that story would not work if the consultant’s target market were made up of mostly young, career-minded single men and women.  That demographic, although able to appreciate her story, would not likely see themselves in her.  Make sure you know who your audience is and what would appeal to them.  Remember, your interest in your customers should be a genuine one, so doing your research is essential to conveying your sincerity.
  • Focus on one point.  A sales pitch should incorporate certain details, but make sure the focus is on one particular point (perhaps the solution your product is for problem the customer has).  This point should be very clear, and everything else in the sales pitch should all be tied back to that main point.  For instance, that educational books consultant focuses on her company’s commitment to providing research-backed products recommended by a variety of education experts.  She mentions that this guarantee gives her peace of mind that her children will always be exposed to age-appropriate and stimulating materials.  Each detail of her sales pitch is related to that point.  By the end of the pitch, there should be no question as to what your main point is.

Crafting an effective sales pitch requires time, research, practice, and self-reflection.  However, keep in mind these guidelines for a pitch that will increase your sales.  What do you think makes an effective sales pitch?  Please share your ideas below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Conversations That Help Improve Your Business

Conversations That Help Improve Your Business

Maintaining relationships are essential to the success of your business.  In this era of social media, it is easy to send a Facebook message or text to a contact instead of having a face-to-face conversation.  However, there are times when interacting in person is appropriate and more effective than other methods.  The following situations are opportunities for you to have conversations that will improve your business.

Face-to-face conversations to have with:

  • Clients – Once a month, you should meet with your clients to discuss the future as you continue doing business together.  Even if it is just to touch base on a recent project or transaction, regular meetings with clients demonstrate your commitment to their satisfaction.  Additionally, these meetings will give you both a chance to analyze and reflect upon where you see the business relationship going.  For example, the owner of a local coffeehouse should meet with his baked goods supplier about once a month to go over possible new menu options, changing dietary demands of his customers, and price points.  The supplier can then use this time to suggest new recipes and delivery schedules.  Tip:  Meet with clients to ask for suggestions.  Talking solely about matters relating to sales will only show that you are thinking of how the relationship affects you and your business.
  • Prospects – Connecting with prospects can have many benefits.  If you’re a direct seller who has discussed your opportunity with a prospect, schedule a face-to-face follow-up meeting where your prospect will prepare any questions he or she has thought of while considering a decision.  It can also be a chance for you to alleviate fears, build confidence, and share materials.  Meetings conducted in person have an advantage over phone calls because they show prospects that they are high on your priority list; they also allow both parties to rely on visual cues, not just verbal ones.  Prospects should feel comfortable with a possible sponsor, and face-to-face meetings help them get to know you.
  • Mentors – Even if you are operating a successful, profitable business, it is a good idea to meet with your mentor every now and then.  Pick the person’s brain about the industry, their experience with changing economic climates, and ideas about how to grow your business even further.  Most industries are always evolving, and a mentor will be able to give you useful information and help you stay on top of what is current and relevant for your business.  If you get to a point where it seems your mentor cannot teach you anything new, it’s time to find a new mentor.  When your business changes, your needs also change.
  • Other salespeople – Whether it’s someone else in your field, or just another local business owner down the block, reach out to other salespeople to brainstorm ideas about how to work together to improve business.  Contacts like these are also great for motivating each other to continue despite setbacks and sharing ideas about common goals.  Surround yourself with other businesspeople who strive for success, and you will be consistently motivated to strive to reach your potential.

Making time for face-to-face conversations is not always easy, but failing to do so will cause you to miss out on some wonderful opportunities for business growth.  What other types of conversations do you think will improve your business?  Please share your ideas below!

When is the Right Time to Sell?

When is the Right Time to Sell?

The art of making a sale varies widely from person to person.  Everyone has his or her own style of salesmanship, so it can be difficult to figure out how to approach the process, especially if you are new to selling.  However, there a few basics to follow that apply to making a sale no matter what your own style of selling is.  Read on to find out when the best time is to sell.

The right time is when…

  • A problem can be solved with your product.  Part of your job is to educate consumers about why they may have a need for what you are offering.  For instance, a business person that sells luxury bedding shares her expertise about the positive effects that proper bedding can have on one’s quality of sleep.  This leads the customer to reflect upon how his lack of sleep has negatively impacted certain aspects of his life.  He now sees that he has a need for the product because it will solve a problem and improve his mood and productivity.  When your product is the solution to a problem, the time to sell it is now.
  • The problem can be solved immediately.  The customer should be able to get instant gratification or something close to it when purchasing your product to solve a problem.  Back to the luxury bedding example, the consultant gives the customer a list of ways he will notice improvements after just one night, 7 nights, and a month of sleeping on their line of bedding.  Because these are tangible benefits that the customer will get right away, the product becomes much more attractive.  It solves a problem and does it quickly, and when the customer agrees with that, then the time to sell is now.
  • You’re better than the competitors.  You should always know where you stand against your competitors.  It is not uncommon for a customer to make comparisons between your product and a competitor’s, and you may even be asked how yours differs from another.  The luxury bedding business person would take this opportunity to point out her product’s higher thread count, its all-natural materials, and the company’s very competitive guarantee.  When you can show the customer that he or she is making the right decision to buy from you instead of someone else, then the time to sell is now.
  • You can get it to them fast.  After all this talk of luxury bedding and a discussion about how restful your nights will be, any customer would want to give the product a try right away.  A customer never wants to hear that a product is backordered or will take longer than a few days to arrive.  Even better than promising a fast shipment is having the inventory on hand for occasions such as these.  Granted, it isn’t always possible or financially sound to keep a lot of inventory available, but there are advantages to doing so. Imagine being able to hand the bedding set to the customer that night and saying, “If you don’t sleep more comfortable tonight, I want you to send me a text and I will personally come to your house to refund your money.”  When the customer can get a quick turnaround, the time to sell is now.

The above suggestions can apply to any product being sold by any type of personality.  One of the keys to a successful career in sales is knowing when the sale is possible and likely to happen.  How do you know when the right time is to sell?  Please share your ideas below!

Why Businesses Fail

Why Businesses Fail

When you start a new business, you’re naturally optimistic. You’ve got a great concept and have high expectations. But in order to succeed for the long term, you need more than that. 80 percent of new businesses fail within the first 5 years (source: NBIA). Why is this? Here are some of the reasons that businesses fail:

Lack of patience – Like with any endeavor, you have to put work into it, but for many new entrepreneurs they want instant results and that seldom happens. It’s more like gardening. It will take a longer than you think. There will be some trial and error, a little luck and a lot of effort before seeing growth. For most new entrepreneurs they often simply quit too early before seeing results. But if you’re willing to wait for it, your garden will bloom.

Wrong focus – People don’t really care about your business; they care about how your products/services will enhance and enrich their lives. Focusing on making your customers happy, giving them great value and acting on their feedback will keep your business on target.

Not developing relationships – Investing for quick returns, rather than building genuine relationships with customers, will set you up to fail. Relationships are based on honesty, caring, communication and doing the right thing for your people.

Not seeking excellence – If you don’t care enough to strive for excellence, your customers will go away. You must consistently want to do your best for your customers.

Personal weakness – We all have our weaknesses, but in business those weaknesses will keep us from success. You must be honest with yourself, surround yourself with a strong support group and/or partner with people who will help you overcome your weaknesses.

Most small businesses fail because entrepreneurs are not prepared, focus on the wrong thing and/or have personal shortcomings that will doom their business from the start. To avoid these pitfalls, keep a constant focus on delighting your customer, invest for the long term in your business, and always be willing to grow. This will help you ensure that your business will last for the long term.

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Reaching the Baby Boomer Market

Reaching the Baby Boomer Market

When you pick up your smartphone, how long does it take you to unlock it and bring up your social media feed?  Can you do it without looking at it?  For most people, the answer is yes.  Chances are, you either grew up with modern technology or have been using it for long enough that it is second nature to you.  However, if your target market includes the baby boomers (people born in the years following the end of World War II), things like technology aren’t as easily mastered.  Consider the following suggestions to make your customer relationships with baby boomers more effective.

  • Make sure your message is simple and clear.  There could be a number of reasons why a senior citizen needs your message to be this way.  As we age, it is more and more difficult to tune out background noise when having a conversation.  Also, the brain may take longer to process information than it did in our youth.  For reasons such as these, be sure to stick to the main point of your message and convey it clearly.  Speak at a normal pace with good diction, compose written documents like emails with proper spelling and grammar (you should be doing this anyway!), and avoid using business jargon when choosing your words.  Remember seniors are not less intelligent than others; they just may have different needs from you as their salesperson.
  • Be organized.  This applies to all aspects of your customer interactions including emails, phone calls, and your general sales process.  For example, when talking on the phone with a customer, make sure you have organized your agenda for the call ahead of time.  There is nothing more chaotic and confusing than being on the other end of a conversation with someone who jumps from one topic to another with no rhyme or reason.  It might help to either use a script to refer to or rehearse you end of the call before you pick up that phone.  Other organization must-do’s include streamlining your sales process, making returns/exchanges easy, and simplifying paperwork by highlighting or flagging the sections that a customer needs to complete.
  • Be more personable.  Much of our interaction with others comes in some electronic form: a text message, Facebook post, tweet, or email.  As convenient as these methods of communicating are, they come with a disadvantage.  We don’t have as many chances to talk with each other the old-fashioned way.  It is a good idea to brush up on your people skills, especially when working with older clients who likely feel most comfortable dealing with someone in person.  Make sure you have good eye contact, use appropriate body language (don’t cross your arms since it’s a non-verbal way of closing someone off), smile, and show that you are listening by responding to the other person when necessary.  Making others comfortable and being able to provide pleasant customer experiences are extremely valuable skills to any potential customer, especially one who is a senior citizen.

As a direct seller you need to understand and connect with your target market. The “greatest generation” has much to offer in knowledge and wisdom; make sure you return the favor by giving its members an overall customer experience that is second to none.

So, how do you reach the Boomer market? Share your answers with us in the comments below. What other suggestions or comments would you like to share?

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!

Getting Your Message Heard

Getting Your Message Heard

One of the advantages of modern technology is that it is easy to get your information out the masses very quickly.  The downside to this is that there is an overabundance of data everywhere we turn, so our message can get lost in the crowd.  Here are some tips on making sure your message is heard, received, and acted upon.

  • Focus on the customer, not on your product.  People respond well to others taking a sincere interest in them.  Keep this in mind when designing your marketing material, updating your social media presence, and interacting with others face-to-face.  For example, instead of posting a Facebook status centered on your product or service, write one that requires comments from others about something in their lives.  “Nothing better than a morning jog after I’ve had my XYZ Protein Shake. What a boost of energy!  What do you drink in the morning before a workout?”  This status mentions your product, why you love it, and asks others to respond to a question.  It also allows them an opportunity to ask about your product, especially if they share your interests.  When people are talking about themselves, they don’t feel as if they’re being “sold to” and are much more open to listening to your message.
  • Not interested? Say thanks and move on.  If you have presented your product to a customer or your opportunity to a prospect in an effective way and he or she is still showing no interest in your message, accept their response and move on to your next task.  It does not pay (literally!) to waste time, energy, or materials on someone who is not interested.  Not every product or opportunity is for everyone.  For example, when talking to a guest at a home show about your business, you ask to make an appointment with them to discuss your opportunity.  The guest replies that she already works full-time at a job she loves and is stretched pretty thin between work and family.  Instead of pressing on to get that appointment, accept that she is likely not the right person to pursue, thank her for coming to the home show, and continue with business at hand.  Getting your message heard has as much to do with listening to others as it does talking to them.
  • Make it about customers’ needs.  Part of selling involves educating customers about why they would need your product.  At a recent gathering of other health-conscious individuals, a direct seller of nutritional supplements found himself in the company of someone who follows a vegan diet (consumes no animal products).  This person was unknowingly depriving his body of probiotics (good bacteria) needed to break down bad bacteria since he cut out all dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.).  The direct seller was able to teach the client about the importance of probiotics and what his company’s probiotic supplement line could do for his health.  This approach is requires a good deal of preparedness and listening skills, but can be very effective in getting your message across to others.

People are inundated with all kinds of messages throughout their day.  Make sure yours is heard by focusing on the customers and their needs.  How do you get your message heard?  Please share your ideas below!

Free e-book “Business Owner’s Road Map to Success.” It has over 50 pages of techniques for everything a small business owner needs to master, from business planning and ethical selling to a success mindset. It’s all there and it’s free for you. To get it, just “Like” our Facebook Page here: Pass it on!