
December is often an exceptionally busy time for retailers and small business owners. The holiday demand for products can keep you just going, going, going until the holidays finally arrive and you're left exhausted. Unfortunately, right after the holidays many

By Lance Trebesch

Timing Is Everything

In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we established that always-happy customers represent 1% of the average organization’s customer base. The other 99% are likely willing to flock to your competitors or slander you on

A strong team is not only good for business, but it is also essential to overall staff morale and your own peace of mind. Each individual contributes something of value to the team as a whole, so fostering those strengths

Repeat sales can be the difference between a thriving business and a failing one. In order to increase the amount of repeat business you do, the most crucial thing to remember is that friendship is more important than sales. By

If your business is like most, the holidays are your busiest season. It can be very easy to just be swept up in the "busy-ness" of it all, and fail to take a breath until after the holidays. Unfortunately, this

Although we all try to avoid making mistakes whenever possible, it is important to accept that they are bound to happen eventually. In the best interests of your business, embrace your mistakes as learning experiences and build on what you’ve

In this digital age where much of our communication is electronic, etiquette for face to face meetings is becoming more and more relaxed. Stand out from the crowd by taking steps to ensure you are taken seriously and can be

The ultimate goal in a sales meeting is, of course, to close the deal. Depending on your individual style, there are several paths from which to choose that lead you to a final sale. By focusing on your clients’ perspective,

After such a close U.S. election, it’s hard to imagine 93% of Americans agreeing on anything! But that’s the percentage of consumers who think it’s important to support small businesses in their community.

If you agree, now’s your chance to show it!

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