
We all have a vision of our ideal selves, a version that is hard-working, successful, inspirational, and fulfilled. You should always strive to achieve that level of greatness in both your professional and personal life, but it is also important

Starting a business with support from your loved ones can make all the difference in its ultimate success. Sure, you may be able to go it alone, but your chance of succeeding is much greater when you have the help

by Judy Dahl

Small-business owners have to be ready for anything, be it a change in your personal financial situation or an outside trend that blows you out of the water. You have to forecast events as much as possible and

Building your business brand goes way beyond marketing and sales tactics. A brand must be an authentic representation of who you are and what you stand for. In order to achieve this, you must identify the characteristics of yourself and

Making connections with others is an essential part of growing your business and continually moving it forward. It is in your best interests to master this skill, which involves much of what you likely do already. Tap into your social/personal

When you are self-employed, you have the wonderful opportunity to take charge of your professional life every single day. Small business ownership has its challenges, so it is of utmost importance that you set yourself up for success with each

Continuous Improvement and the 2012 Olympics

Top Olympic athletes and their trainers achieve continuous improvement with constant examination and measurement. The proof of their success can be measured in seconds, inches, pounds, or, in the case of the 2012 Olympics, in

A career in sales can be a rewarding one. It is an opportunity to harness your enthusiasm and excitement for a great product line, and embrace all that lies ahead. If you’re new to selling, however, there are some basics

Networking is a valuable tool for small business owners. Its benefits can have far-reaching effects on your business such as new clients, opportunities for growth, and professional development. Your time is precious, so you’ll want to make the most out

The tech industry is buzzing about a new iPhone app that may one day be able to function as our virtual wallet.  The app is called Passbook, and is currently being used as a central hub for all of consumers’

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