As a kid, you probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As a working adult, you most likely now realize how true that statement is! Just as eating a healthy breakfast gets your metabolism off
Professional And Personal Benefits Of A Direct Selling Experience
Professional and Personal Benefits of a Direct Selling Experience researches the impact of a direct selling experience on 14 business and professional skills as well as on 13 personal life skills. A substantial majority of the current direct sellers surveyed, more than three-fourths, agreed that they benefited from their direct selling experience in terms of improved business and professional skills, and that skills gleaned from a direct selling experience transferred to their personal lives. Moreover, there were significant and positive relationships between self-perceived skill levels and self-perceptions of direct selling success and performance in a non-direct selling job.

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa: The Role of Information Communication Technology in the Direct Selling Marketplace
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa: The Role of Information Communication Technology in the Direct Selling Marketplace reveals how women have used direct selling as a vehicle not only for self-transformation and empowerment, but also for the betterment of their families and communities. Now, coupled with the capabilities of technology, the direct selling industry holds tremendous promise as a potential solution for poverty and gender inequality, particularly within South Africa, where strong technology infrastructure already exists and where a significant percentage of women currently participate in the informal business sector.

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