When other people talk about your business, it increases credibility and adds value to your brand. But when people want to help you promote your business, do you know what to ask them to do?
Here are ways that other people,
Professional And Personal Benefits Of A Direct Selling Experience
Professional and Personal Benefits of a Direct Selling Experience researches the impact of a direct selling experience on 14 business and professional skills as well as on 13 personal life skills. A substantial majority of the current direct sellers surveyed, more than three-fourths, agreed that they benefited from their direct selling experience in terms of improved business and professional skills, and that skills gleaned from a direct selling experience transferred to their personal lives. Moreover, there were significant and positive relationships between self-perceived skill levels and self-perceptions of direct selling success and performance in a non-direct selling job.

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa: The Role of Information Communication Technology in the Direct Selling Marketplace
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa: The Role of Information Communication Technology in the Direct Selling Marketplace reveals how women have used direct selling as a vehicle not only for self-transformation and empowerment, but also for the betterment of their families and communities. Now, coupled with the capabilities of technology, the direct selling industry holds tremendous promise as a potential solution for poverty and gender inequality, particularly within South Africa, where strong technology infrastructure already exists and where a significant percentage of women currently participate in the informal business sector.

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