
By Howard Schwartz

I bit the bullet a few weeks ago and went shopping for a tablet. I decided my smart phone was fine for many purposes, but I was finally able to justify getting a tablet to watch videos and

Your business relies on your customers to keep it profitable and thriving. One of your top priorities should be to make sure each customer is getting the best possible experience each and every time he or she patronizes your business.

By Myriam Cruz

One of the questions we often hear at BBB is how to cancel the purchase of a product or service. While there are various reasons for wanting to cancel, many consumers feel they are pressured into making a

Increasing your sales doesn’t always have to mean spending money. Sometimes all you have to do is take a look at what is already working for you, and find ways to build on those successful elements. Here are some ways

Today's highlighted video from DSEF:

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 Do you know what the DSA Code of Ethics says about earnings claims?
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The art of negotiation takes a fair amount of practice and real-life experience to master. From haggling at a flea market to negotiating the price of a new car, each situation requires the same basic elements. Use our list below

By Caitlin Vancas

If you’re the owner or manager of a company or organization’s Facebook Page, you may be the target of a new phishing scam. Phishing emails are being sent by scammers alleging to be from “Facebook Security.”

This phishing scam attempts

The lifeblood of your business is your customers. You must attract them, meet their needs and keep them happy in order to build a thriving business. But how do you start the cycle? How do you find new customers for

There are many people who are good at what they do, but there are always a few who are exceptionally successful. Often, these individuals are highly successful because they also possess excellent people skills. The good news is that we

There are many factors that go into the amount of sales you may generate in a given day, week, or month. Sometimes the difference between falling short of your goals and exceeding them is focusing your efforts in the right

It’s no secret that creating a script for a sales pitch or other type of meeting can be extremely helpful. A script can prevent you from forgetting to include important information, can make you feel more prepared, and can increase

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